Not one of Hitchcocks best. Lots of plotholes. Doesn't deserve top 250
Overall, considering the era in which it was released, I can understand why people then thought this movie was great.
However, I think this movie cannot stand the test of time. Lots of inconsistencies, plot holes and other general amateurish direction.
I would rate this movie a 6/10. Certainly doesn't deserve being in the top 250 movies of all time. No way. Its a very simplistic movie with lots of amateurish direction and plot. Definitely films of 1938 had more intelligence than that.
Some of the plotholes -
1. Bad guy with the gun given to passengers holds the heroine at gun point before the train starts moving. Then the train starts moving and he disappears !?
What became of him ? Meaningless.
2. The bad guy at the end gets knocked over, they steal his gun which seems to fire endless bullets before they finally realize it has only one bullet left.
I must've counted like some 20-25 bullets fired from it. WTF ? That felt terrible
3. They train lines of Europe are all interconnected ? They can drive their train across the border with no checkpoint ? Especially when they are having some military style folks around ?
4. They decoupled the train and went through some long chase instead of storming the stopped train at the station and arresting the old lady ?
5. They shoot the old lady who seems to be either dead or not. Next scene, they're chasing the now moving train ? WTF ? What happened to checking up on whether she's dead or not ? Ridiculous.
6. They know where the single train switch is to switch tracks ? And they can throw it that easy ? ( ok this may be possible given 1938 ) but still its absurd
7. The bad guys have a ridiculous shootout. 2 cars of armed men (say around 7-8 at least ) and they don't go around the train or storm it. Just fire from some distance away ? The whole shooting scene was ridiculous
8. The old lady is in the middle of some hostile country possibly chased by bad guys and makes it back to England even before the hero/heroine.
This looked the inspiration for Steven Spielbergs War of the worlds end scene where Tom Cruises son makes it to Boston from an unbelievable no-win scenario.
9. The train has doors on both sides. There was no need to hoist the old lady through the window.
10. High body count in the movie - so many people killed easily. And the hero conveniently can be a musician and knows how to drive a train. Moronic
11. They don't bother interviewing anyone else re. the old lady. All this elaborate plot to capture her from a moving train when they could've done it easier at the hotel where they tried but failed.
Anyways, there's more plotholes these.
The movie is definitely not worth being in the top 250.