MovieChat Forums > Child Bride (1938) Discussion > Why do people on here support this?

Why do people on here support this?

Why is it that even the briefest nude scenes of young boys in films generates a bunch of posts from offended men on here asking "why was this dare they?" but then movies that have extended sexualized nude scenes of young girls in them generate a bunch of comments from men on here asking "what is the big deal?".

Maybe this double standard on here exists because men feel that underage nude scenes of girls are whined about enough as it is whereas that of boys gets overlooked. If that is the case, I understand but it still is a warped view on things.

For the record, I don't support underage nudity at all, especially if it is shown on screen a long time whether sexualized or not. The reason being is that a child doesnt have a say in it and might be embarrassed later in life. Plus, a lot of the pro nudity people on here don't seem to understand that nudity can still be offensive even if not sexualized. I am a little disturbed a lot of people on here don't get that. I am tired of seeing their pro nudity arguments about how nudity is natural. If that is the case then why are Europeans the only people in the world who are relaxed about it? I don't see what good this perversion does them. Other civilized people in the world like the Chinese and Japanese are very strict about nudity and they seem to be doing better than Europe right now.

What kind of deviant doesn't understand how an extended nude scene of a twelve year old even in a non sexual context is perverted? I am not a feminist but I am a little tired of seeing comment sections on here flooded by men getting offended over brief underage male nudity in every film it exists in, whereas these same people seem to get giddy over extended sexual nude scenes involving underage girls. What deviants you are. This gives me more of a reason to teach my daughters about modesty starting at the age of 3 or 4.


Well, but you can't deny she did have sweet tits and a nice ass for a 12-year old.



In my opinion, nudity in films for either gender in films is wrong. I feel in this movie, they could have said the dialogue, without the nudity and it could have had the same effect. I feel that they could have had Jake leer at her, while she was swimming, while we don't see anything, but have the movie watcher, use their imagination. I agree with you also on the point of underage nudity on films. I also believe that nudity on films in wrong, no matter the age of the character, or the actor, and regardless of the plot. yes nudity is natural, however in my opinion, being nude is a private way to live. I feel modesty for both genders is important.


The appeal of movies like this was that they showed what mainstream Hollywood productions refused to. I think at least some directors were flipping off big studio censors as much as they were catering to their audience. At the time it was basically a choice between going independent and hardly making any money, or raking it in with the big studios but putting up with their often artistically stifling rules (called the Hays Code).

In my own personal opinion, nudity is so taboo in American culture it's comically absurd. The swimming scene in this movie wouldn't raise an eyebrow in most of Europe, Russia, or Latin America. There isn't the same assumption being made by the average person that all nudity is inherently sexual. I agree that putting actors so young in sexual situations is another thing entirely. That's crossing the line. But just showing a girl (or boy) naked? You can't convince me this is harmful all by itself. We used to go skinnydipping at their age too, my friends and I. Boys and girls together. We saw each other naked plenty of times. All they did in this movie was not go to extreme closeup at shoulder height, put the camera elsewhere, or time jump past it, like a studio film would have.

I'm sorry if the OP from 2 years ago would consider me a perverted deviant just for holding an opinion different from theirs. I'm guessing they're conservative Christians, whereas I'm a confirmed nonbeliever. That probably accounts for most of the difference in our perspective. I sometimes wonder what an alien anthropologist studying our society would think. Hmmm, a race that considers its own physical form shameful - how fascinating! It is a little strange when you stop and think about it. The way we hide our bodies from each other, not wanting anyone else to see, freaking out and getting all embarrassed if they do. Modesty is a silly cultural quirk we pick up through conditioning. That's all. It serves no particular purpose.


I don't have any trouble or hang-ups about seeing kids, boys or girls, swimming naked. I agree with what the other poster had written about Europeans having a more lax attitude about nudity. It's similar in Asia. I'm much more repulsed by blood and guts than I am at seeing human bodies which I think are beautiful and natural.


There is nothing wrong, immoral, or perverted about nudity in films, male or female, child or adult. People of all ages are naked in real life on a regular basis and sometimes the story will call for nudity.
