Her clothing made her look like an insane person and her actions and preposterous behavior had nothing to do with being brought up poor. We saw her home life. Her family were normal working class people of their time and place. They didn't act like she did. It makes no sense for her to dress and act as she did.
I agree. Her behavior had nothing to do with being poor or working class. Yes, she did want to be part of the elite class but she was ignorant to what that really entailed, relative to her husband's idea of their lifestyle.
But we saw her ogling at movies and through magazines, perhaps she formed an idea of "upper class" from them. She obviously found the flashier dressers more intriguing and that's what she emulated. She thought classy people flashed money around like Ed and his ilk. Nothing wrong with that, in particular circles. Her "acting" demure fooled her husband in the beginning but later he was appalled when she showed her true preferences in life. Her problem was that she thought "rich" was excess, so she piled all she could on, at one time, clothes, furs, jewelry, sparkles, make up, etc. Overkill. Most old money people, back then, didn't live that way.