doctor slapping mary

i just lmao when the dr. smacked Mary on her behind,, she had it coming the way she just carried on whining and screaming,, anyone else think so.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite



Yes, Joel MacCrea played the doctor.



No. The little brat deserved it. She was nothing more than a budding sociopath. I HATED that little monster. LOVED it when Margaret Hamilton slapped her...but you're probably against that too.


I LOVED that slap on her bottom, although she deserved it right across her lying face!
Of course had Joel done it, it would have lessened the sweetness of no less that Miss Margaret Hamilton GRABBING her by the shoulder and way laying her.
She should have kicked Bonita's ass all the way up that staircase!!!



It is just a movie, for Christ' sake!
And YOU are the one calling Bonita "...pretty little adolescent girl..." and "...prebescent cutie(s)..."
I just thought she was called "The Face You Love To Slap."
And actually, I have always hoped that after Margaret Hamilton dragged her up those stairs, she did unthinkable things to her; so she couldn't talk (or sit down) ever again.
"Beat the *beep* out of her, Maggie." is what I say!


The fact that you found it a "bit pervy" says more about you than the scene. That certainly wasn't the intent of the doctor or the scene.


I doubt the slap/smack was expected to make the girl stop being a sociopath...
It just stopped her being bad at that moment... AND made the smacker feel good - and good for her...!
