Good News/Bad News: DVD ON AMAZON.COM!!!
(Good News) I just bought a copy of it via
It's from Brazil, but NTSC so it plays on US DVD players and looks great (it's called Infamia in Brazil, but it's the same 1936 movie based on the Lillian Hellman play), but I have one complaint (Bad News): this DVD is missing the pivotal scene where Mary Tilford (beautifully played by Bonita Granville) picks up some discarded flowers from the trash and proceeds to give them to Mrs. Mortar (Catherine Doucet) in the school scene that takes place at @ 32:42-32:46. Karen Wright (Merle Oberon) sees that Mary Tilford has presented Mrs. Mortar with the (discarded) flowers, and calls her on it...this leads Mrs. Mortar to be cross with Mary Tilford which is then followed by the subsequent scene where Karen confronts Mary about lying...which sets the wheels in motion for the treachery that Mary will unleash on her teachers and the school.
I have seen the movie before and noticed how the film just skips to Mary at the reading and sewing class and doesn't show her sneaking into the classroom. Anyone not having seen the 93 minute version will not understand what they are talking about. The DVD currently available clocks in at exactly 1:30:39, but it is supposed to be 1:33:00
Still, it's the only legit print that exists of the film, to date.
I recommend it if that issue does not bother you.
The DVD is in English with Portuguese subtitles and no other subtitles (sorry for those of you who are hearing~impaired). The menu is in Portuguese and movie is shown in full screen. I just wish it was not missing that 2 minutes and 21 seconds. Funny how much stuff can happen in such a little bit of time.
Only ONE DVD left (for now). Perhaps this may be signaling that the US version may be coming in the near future?
I have watched and re~watched the DVD checking the time and there is no skipping of seconds as might appear if there was a problem with the disc. It must be in the transfer, because the seconds tick by the way they normally would.
"I'll tell you two things about me: I'm very rich~~~~~and I'm very wealthy." BlackWidow