If you happen to dig the old 30's-70's exploitation flicks like I do, for some good ol' camp and cheese, then check out this music video I made. The entire video is in two parts and is entitled GRINDHOUSE MADNESS. However, it is only the second half that contains the film "REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES". The film is scored to "Green Hell" by The Misfits. Tell me what you think. :) (BTW: The video is supposed to be like you're at an old 42nd Street theatre, so there's some old advertisements and intermission for the second half.)
And if you like this, you might also wanna check out the second half of GRINDHOUSE MADNESS which features Mel Welles's "LADY FRANKENSTEIN" and my first MADNESS flick ROADSHOW MADNESS, which contains both "REEFER MADNESS" and "SEX MADNESS".
Much obliged,