Otchi Tschornyia (Carlo's song?)
I always loved this movie and everybody in it. Gail Patrick, Eugene Pallette, Alice Brady, everybody. And Molly. God, she's great.
Well, I'm supposed to be working, but instead I've got my nose in a book I bought for fifty cents in a junk store. It's a bunch of essays from Vogue...early 40s. Anyway, don't mean to ramble, but one of the essays makes fun of this song, "Otchi Tschornyia."
Now, I've got a warped and probably seriously diseased brain, and while I can't remember someone's name two seconds after I've been introduced to them, I do have good grasp on unimportant, flighty matters. And I swear that "Otchi Tschornyia" is that dour little song that Carlo is playing to Mrs. Bullock.
The one where Mrs. Bullock says "What's the name of that song?" and he repeats the line, and she says something wonderfully dithery about the name being the same.
Does anyone know?