**** I'm hungry.

Is it just me, or does Paulette mouth the S word?

About 43 minutes in, right after they imagine they're in a house eating a steak and they come back to reality.

She rubs her belly and says what looked to me like: **** I'm hungry.



Silent actors often used bad language to amuse themselves - people skilled in lip-reading like to watch silent movies to see what's really being said.


OP - Don't you have anything more interesting to do?


Ha! I thought the same thing. Of course, it was most likely "sure am hungry."


Or "Steak! I'm hungry!"


When i read her lips i thought she said "Gee, i'm hungry" have another look i'm sure i'm right

There are two kinds of people in the world my friend those with loaded guns and those who dig


After reading the OP post, I went back and watched that scene that you refer to, and, in my opinion, Goddard says "Sh!t I'm hungry!"

"Beautiful day, isn't it? Well, maybe it isn't so beautiful... it is day, though."


Listen..silly people..

..I've read the script.And to clear this up for EVERYONE ..Gamine says 'Gee,i'm hungry'

Hollywood isn't home but it sure is purdy


If you REALLY want to see lip-reading fun, watch the climactic air battle scene in WINGS.
You'll see Buddy Rogers spout "son of a b*tch!" more than once.
