Funniest line

For me, the funniest line is in the 20-gallon-milk scene:

Anna Held:(to her fat pianist)No,no,I dont want to sing today...And I'm sick of watching you rolling your eyes like I do...(they both are quickly rolling eyes at the moment)


I was all smiles during the Fanny Brice scenes. "Get me some viskey!" lol


One that stood out was when Ziegfeld claimed that the two girls being lifted by the strongman weighed a total of 750lb. A fat woman remarked, "750lbs, my foot!". Ziegfeld murmered, "How about the rest of you?".


I thought there were a lot of great lines in this movie but have to admit the Fanny Brice not believing it was Mr. Z. that was visiting her dressing room was very funny!

