Humor in Dracula's Daughter
There is a suprisingly large amount of humor in this movie, which adds to its charm. Most of it is quite intentional, but there is one delightful moment that I don't believe was meant to be funny. When lugubrious servant Sandor sits in a chair, as the Countess plays the piano, and comments on her hopeful remarks about being able to lead a normal life, her straight faced reactions to his morose interruptions become more and more alarmed, until the high drama of the scene begins to result in chuckles.
Countess: The song my mother used to sing to me in the twilight...
Countess: Quiet, you disturb me! Twilight, shadows on the hills...
Sandor: Evil shadows...
Countess: No, no peaceful shadows! Overhead, the fluttering of wings...
Sandor: The wings of bats!
Countess: No, the wings of birds! Far off, the barking of a dog...
Sandor: Barking because there are wolves near by!
Countess: Stop, I forbid you!
Instead of seeming foolish, this odd exchange adds to the offbeat nature of the movie as a whole. Interesting that this 1936 Universal movie mingling horror and comedy was released a year after Whale's Bride of Frankenstein,though the humor is less strange and cynical in this film.