why did sander shoot the girl at the end?
I think Sandor shot Countess Zaleska with the arrow because she was in love with Dr. Garth. Sandor was jealous because he was in love with her. He thought "If I can't have you, no one will".
shareIn a word, jealousy. Zandor was originally promised eternal life by Countess Zaleska, and as such would probably have served as her vampire consort. But then Dr. Garth came along and the Countess had the hots for and was going to make him her vampire consort. So it kind of ruins ole Zandor's plans doesn't?
Incidently if you look at things in around-about way, it's kind of the reverse of Dracula killing Renfield.
Also I think it was done so that Zaleska was killed in the movie. Remember in the context of the story, the police were still very much sceptics that she was a vampire, so it would be terribly unlikey that either they would let Van Helsing kill her or do it themselves. Plus Van Helsing's argument at the end that the only reason why Countess Zaleska was killed was because she shot through the heart with a "wooden shaft" wouldn't exactly bare up to scrutiny to a cynical law-man.
I was under the impression that Sandor was trying to kill GARTH. Geoffrey grew faint as he fell under Zaleska's spell, and slumped a bit. The arrow missed Garth and killed the Countess instead.
shareThat is precisely what I was thinking, too. But it is hard to tell since the arrow appears to miss him too much. Or at least that is how I'm seeing it.
shareYou're looking too far into this. The only reason why Sander shot and killed her was the censors would not allow the good guys to kill a woman. Same thing happened in Superman 2 with the lady villian. She was killed by Lois instead of Superman