DVD release

Is there anyone out there who would like to see this movie and the rest of the series, released on DVD.
I have purchased the first film on disk and was suitably delighted.
I can't wait for the others to be released on DVD.
Does any one have any info regarding when this might happen ???


no idea, I'm keening on the edge of my seat for a six-disk box set, though.


You and me, both :-)



I'm waiting for at least this one to come out on DVD. If they release them one at a time that's fine I guess. I have the first two on video, but after buying the DVD of the Thin Man, I'm longing for the next one!

Not sure when it'll happen, but I'm hoping soon.


I've had the opportunity to see all of The Thin Man series, and CAN HARDLY WAIT TO SEE THEM ALL ON DVD!!!!!!!!!!

Contact the distributor for updates. Keep your fingers crossed.


Unfortunatly the complete boxed set is out of circulation. My husband and I were on the hunt as a Christmas gift (for us ...lol) and saw on the Borders intranet that they are not available at this time. Now that doesn't mean you can't do a search on Google or Ebay and find what you're looking for ...

Many of the titles seem to be around individually but I'm going to hold out for a reissue of the boxed set - happily AMC replays the films often enough.

Say - were there any special extras on the DVD you purchased?


According to the website "the digital bits", Warner Brothers plans a release of this picture and "Another Thin Man" some time in 2005, although it has not been scheduled.


Right now at amazon.com if you search the thin man on DVD right now you can vote for the release for this movie. When you put in your e-mail amazon.com stores and it and e-mails you when it becomes avaiable on DVD. Thats how you vote too. I hope everyone does this then Warner Bros (I think thats who owns them) will get a hint!

"The only way to enjoy anything in life is to earn it first" - Ginger Rogers


On "The Thin Man" message boards, someone said that the 6 DVD boxed set will be released in August on Myrna Loy's 100th birthday.

"It's a nice face."


Woohoo! I just saw on the front page here- 6 dvd box set releases tomorrow!!! I can finally retire the two VHS copies I taped off Cinemax New Years Eve 1990 when they did a marathon to ring in 1991!!
