I think everyone has a different answer for that question. Someone once said "after watching BL they found out their wiener was used for more than peeing".
Most people in the BL groups were born in the 50's, 60's and 70's and the Little Rascals were main stream on one of the 3 or 4 TV channels. And back then if a woman showed her slip or "undies" she was completely embarrassed or mortified. Little boys were interested in what else was under that dress and to see such things they were in the JC Penneys or Sears or Montgomery Ward catalogs. Then watching the Rascals along comes BL where a good looking blonde gets here dress ripped off and you get a peek under her dress as she is standing. Everyone is laughing at her and she is just frozen. It's like watching it live and you get to see it again in another 6 weeks. It beats those catalogs and of course your imagination goes nuts hoping it might happen to one of your teachers, neighbor or a buddies mom. So it's almost like it's been ingrained or imprinted on our brains--or at least mine.