This is a great question and it took me a while to think it out. First in his book about the subject Ginsberg says the mother certainly didn't plan her stage debut and she did scream out when she realized her dress hem was caught on a rising curtain. Ginsberg says you can tell she loved every minute of it from her dress got caught and after she becomes sphinixed because after her dress is gone she doesn't run away, she stays gawking up at her tattered dress and makes no attempt to hide. Ginsberg says she secretly loved the events as she was clearly the center of attention and all eyes were on her. I think I have to agree with Leonard Ginsberg on the subject.
Dr Leonard S Ginsberg " Oedipus, Isaac and the noblest roman " I couldn't believe it but it is a very serious discussion of the "Beginner's Luck" short combined with the classics stories of the Greeks, Romans and the bible.
I sure you can order it on Amazon it was pretty cheap as I recall maybe 5 or 6 bucks