A very interesting tale
In the last year of the old IMDB board a young man starting posting, I was fascinated by him as the most of us were at least in our 50's and how did he even get interested in this short. I found his posts very interesting. We had many many private posts between us. One of the most fascinating things about him he had a life sized stage prop made by his friends for him. He had his many girlfriends actually act out the ending scene of BL He used a hanger and used that as the hook to catch the girl's dresses and hike them up then he would have the girls pose behind the prop in various stages of undress.
Myself and the other older posters were shocked by the fact that every girl, fellow teacher or one of his students mother's did the reenactment and then posed behind the stage prop. Where he took photos of them.
After that board closed down I like so many of us loved to talk about this short with anyone but I did speak to quite a few gals who were single they said they would do it reluctantly but that they would do it .