
I wonder if anyone has ever heard Spanky McFarland as an adult, or for that matter anyone who appeared in BL in adulthood comment on BL. I would so love to hear their thoughts and commentary on BL.

Does anyone know if such a thing exists?


This a good question Jay.As far as I know the only thing Spanky ever said about being on the set of "Beginner's Luck" was about what a cut up Alphalfa was.He spoke of Alphalfa playing tricks on the cast and the stage crew,giving them hot feet and shaking their hands and having a buzzer in his hand and that kind of stuff."Beginner's Luck" was the first time they acted together.As far as I know,I have never heard of anyone mentioning being on the "BL" set and saying anything like being a child and watching an adult woman have her dress ripped off her or anything like that.I too,thought somone would have said something about that as they grew up .


I remember hearing that Eileen Bernstein,who was one of the little girls of the gang,doesn't remember much about being on the set of "BL" sure she was a small kid at the time she and the gang can clearly be seen sitting in the audience watching and laffing as Spanky's mother fights to keep her dress on her.I think the person who asked the question wanted to know what she thought of it then and as an adult.Her answer was she didn't remember it that well and didn't have an opinion on it as a adult.


Yes,Steve is correct.I remember someone interviewing Eileen a few yrs ago as she was one of the few surviving rascals left,even thou she was a minor one.She wasn't in that many shorts but still she was a rascal and one who was in the audience for "BL".

I also remember some yrs back that someone came on this board and said he worked for the Hal Roach estate and his boss who was very old at that time was actually on the set of " BL" as a child and remembers being quite taken by Ruth Hiatt and was on the set when she was practising the dress caught on the hook and posing behind the prop board.He said he remembered Ruth being a very attractive woman and he watched as the stage hands all were falling over each other looking at Ruth with her dress hiking.


As I read these stories I realized they are right.I remember the boy who was on the set and he later worked for the Hal Roach estate and I found his story very interesting,this was when I first came to this IMDB board amybe 7 or 8 yrs ago.It was a shame that he was here for only a few posts.I do remember the Eileen Bernstein story and I played the scene to be sure she was visable during the scene where Spanky's mother gets her dress hooked.
