MovieChat Forums > Beginner's Luck (1935) Discussion > real life 'Beginner's Luck story.

real life 'Beginner's Luck story.

I would love for someone to re-tell the story that someone told onn this board yrs ago about an real life "Beginner's Luck" situation actually happening to his best friend's mother.I know the guy who originally told this tale is no longer on this board but if one of the posters who remembers the original story and could give me as much details as possible I would really be grateful.I have always found this story arousing and it really does something to me.


There are probably only 3 or 4 people who are still here from maybe 2003 or 04.Myself,Doug,Steve and Jaywer would be the people I would guess were here when this story was originally told.I will try and tell the story as best as I remember and maybe some of our vetran posters can come in and help out.

I have spoken to others about this guy as it could have been at story of a guy who had a fantasy about this happening to his best friend's mother but almost everyone agreed it seemed to be a true story that actually happened.

The story starts in 1970 with the storyteller being in the 8th grade and a new kid arrives at his school the two become best buddies.The new kid just moved there and lived with his mom and they had escaped an abusive father.The boys then start high school they are there a few months and of course they are freshmen and the lowest thing in their universe,also it's just the two of them and they aren't popular and really a click of themselves.The friend's mother anounces that she quit her job and was taking a job at the high school as a teacher's aide.She had problems with a boss at her old job and had to leave as he was really comming on to her and sexually harassing her.Initially the mom worked with different teachers but caught the eye of the principal and was moved into the general office.The storyteller said it was a real bad time for his friend as high school is a bad enough experiance but made worse throwing your mother into it as well.The mother liked the principal very much as he was very nice to her,it must be tuff to be nice to a fairly young and beautiful blonde.A school play was comming up and the principal told the mother she would have to work with one of the teachers who was running it.The woman teacher hated the mother as she was jealous of her looks and how everyone liked her.The teacher planed an attack.As the play was finishing up the teacher asked the mother to go behind the back curtain and get 3 things out of a box and she needed it right away.The mother went and was bent over looking in this box for the 3 items which of course were not there and the teacher struck and started to raise the back curtain.The audience started to laff as they could see the legs of the mother back there and went wild as the curtain hook caught her dress hemline.The teacher twisted the ropes and made the mother turn and now face the audience which was greeted with wild howls.The teacher kept the woman in this position like a spider and her fly playing with her.Evertually she started to slowly raise the curtain all to the students huge delight,all except the storyteller and his freind sitting there unable to help her.
The teacher did pull down hard and ripped of the mother dress as it headed to the rafters in tatters.The mother stood there looking up to see where her dress went as the kids went wild with laughter.The principal eventually walked on stage and put his jacket around her and walked her off the stage.


I think you got it as good as anyone could after all these yrs.You left off minor details like it was the early 70's and she was wearing a dress with a high hemline.She was wearing a white slip.But other than that I think you got it down.


I read that guys post in my early days on this board.I remember this story comes up every now and again as guys want to hear the saga.This is like some much else concering "BL" it's something that's just hearsay and can't be proved ,as I say every now and then.


We know this one will never be proved like some of the rumors about the short in the early days actually came to be proved but many havenot and now as to much time has gone by won't.


I am a bit of a skeptic when I hear these posts..(over and over again)
My percepiton is that those who post these stories just get their jollies by posting them..


To be honest with you I've heard 5 or 6 real life "BL" stories,ones where there is a woman loosing her dress on stage.I have never told any of the stories here on this board as non of these stories weew anyway near as good,funny,sexy as the short "Beginner's Luck".I was never there to actually witness any of them.I feel this guy who told this story was getting off on his friend's mother.He may have had a thing for her and wanted to tell a story.That story sounds too good and too close to the original story.


It's my fault I had asked one of the vets here to post this story ,I know it's a story told a few times before but I honestly love to hear this one.Sorry if I caused anyone grief.
