Something New

A person I know came to me with something he saw in "BL" and asked me about it. I never saw this before and was shocked when it turned out to be just like this person told me. It seems there is a chalk board on the wall of the theater and it's not visible until the Grandma pulls down on the ropes and the curtain goes all the way to the top. Then If you hit pause you can clearly see a chalk board and written on it is " You can only be late for the show just once".

People say it's a reference to Spanky's mother not having her son ready and missing the first two turns. I don't know but it is interesting.

There is another oddity- Someone came to me about the lines said by Daisy to the MC " Say Mister, Do you think he stands a chance?" the MC responds " Listen Honey he won that prize five minutes ago."

Well it seems this guy checked it out what happened exactly 5 minutes earlier in the short. It seems Spanky hasn't yet even taken the stage yet and he is no where near it he's over with Daisy. The MC walks over and announces that Spanky was on next. She gets up and starts looking for Spanky and walks out on the stage the MC grabs her and spins her around.

Most people see the 5 minutes as just a figure of Speech while others say when he manhandled the mother it was s hoe in.


Good stuff as always Doug
Something else i have noticed

The MC announces Spanky is on next (after the Harmonica Solo). But before Spanky comes on we hear tap dancing...So apparently there was another act on prior...


I always thought the harmonica player originally played his harmonica and it was him who later in his act tap danced. I could be wrong but no one else is seen backstage and you can't hear the MC announce a new act.

The 5 minute thing I think for sure is just a figure of speech and not something related to his manhandling the mother.

The most interesting is that chalk board- not visible until the curtain has ripped off her dress - very interesting indeed.


Regarding the harmonica player..if you really focus on him he smirks a lot and in somc scenes his jacket is buttoned and others is unbuttoned...

I too agree about being a figure of speech, meaning he won the prize when he had the audience in hysterics...


I was stunned to hear about this chalk board!!! I checked it out and so it was true. I called my buddy and was floored when he said he knew all about it and how critical it was for the plot of "B/L". He explained it read call board , then written in chalk below it said "you can be late for a show just once with a arrow pointing towards the stage. It first becomes visible after the MC walks over and asks is Spanky ready now. This is the second time he's told Spanky is still not ready. Spanky's mom jumps to save the boy from the MC ,if you notice the arrow is pointing directly at her back. Still there as the grandma comes over laughing the arrow still pointing at the mother's back. The next time it's visible it's only the last words and the arrow .This time it's just after the mother went to find Spanky to go on and after she OK ed his giving the prize .Spanky wants to tell the gang of his change of plans. Tis time you see the last two lines and the arrow pointing at the Mother's head. the next time we see it you can't read it but you know it's the same sign is when the mother is begging the MC to take him off. Then you see it for the last time only after the curtain is pulled all the way down and you know her dress is hanging off the curtain top.

Read the sign and reaize it 1st shown after he's missed his first chance and can't make it now, the arrow points at the mother who's responsible. When Sapnky wants to tell the gang to halt their assault the arrow points to the mother's head as she won't let him. Finally it's shown pointing out on thee stage after her dress is gone.

I have a great question someone who's newly into B/L asked me and I don't know the answer. Why doesn't Spanky's mother after the Mc yanks her back just walk behind the stage curtain and come out on the other side of the theater and walk on stage to take Spanky off instead of taking the pole from under the back curtain? I'd really like to know or just hear some guesses.


Hi Steve

I think your pal is on to something with this stage sign.

The other thing your question Why doesn't Spanky's mother walk behind the stage curtain and simply go on the stage on that side and walk Spanky off? A very good question and one that was asked in my class back in the day. After all it seems like the easiest thing to do right?
We were told by our professor that if you notice there are two stagehands on the far side shown when Spanky's mother is pleading for lights. The MC gives the hands up sigh one stagehand waves Ok then he turns and raises the stage lights. They are still there on the far side of the stage, When Spanky's Mothe r turns and says she won't her son laughed at and yells " TAKE HIM OFF " the MC fires back " TAKE HIM OFF NOTHING HE'S THE HIT OF THE SHOW". Then she yells " WELL IF YOU WON'T TAKE HIM OFF I WILL". She then bolts to run on the stage you can see the very surprised faces of Grandma, The MC and some of the backstage mother's. When the MC reaches out and starts to pull her back ,He clearly has his index finger pointed out and his thumb up. He is signaling the stage hands the index finger is pointed at Spanky and the thumb is moving but pointed at Spanky's Mother. This was to tell them make sure this woman doesn't interfere with this act if she comes your way. Spanky's Mother is seen clearly looking out on the stage but she is looking over at the two stage hands and she realizes she can't go over there as they will grab her and hold her till the act is over. You can clearly see the expression on her face goes to pure frustration and anguish as the MC then says to her " YOU can't break up that act. Play it back and forth and you will see that's what it is , They should have shown the stagehand waving that he knew not to let her intervene.


Hi Doug

When I first saw your last post this morning I was very surprised and I called a bunch of people to check it out and see. Some of the people said they thought your idea would explain a lot and really tell us why she didn't walk around the other side of the theater and the walk on stage a take him off. All said they were surprised they had never seen this before and wondered why.

Well after checking it out repeatedly a few folks said maybe just maybe buy ti be very honest with you we don't see it.


Well I've been checking these things out since they were first posted and I too asked friends to give me their opinions.

The harmonica player is interesting he looks directly into the camera many times another time when he is supposed to be on the stage you see him walking around backstage and yes sometimes his jacket is buttoned other times it's open.

The MC giving a sign to his stagehands to stop Spanky's Mother from going to that side to try and take him off there ? Well it would explain a lot as Steve said and it is slight seeing the MC move his index finger out at the stage and you do see the thumb move back at Spanky's mom. But I have say I doubt it, I don't think he's pointing to say don't let let her on the stage.

The sign is interesting but I just think it is a coincidence and that's all.

One thing that I did notice is the other acts dress plain or sing simple folk songs. Dianh, Honolulu baby, She'll be commin' around the mountain. The Arizona nitengales are dressed as cowboys, the harmonica player and the Cabin kids are dressed in street clothes. Daisy and the Flora Dora Dollies seem to be dressed in the same type of costumes are a little on the fancy side. But you must compare "The most nobelest roman of them all is dressed in a very ornate costume. Sword , shield ,helmet and breast plate are all metal. There is cloth in the outfit and that is what Spanky's mother is sewing when the gangcomes over
Overall the costume must have been rented from a theatrical costume store by far much more than any of the other acts.


I always wondered who was tap dancing---guess they always had someone in the wings--but it wasn't the harmonica player. You can see him backstage when Kitty gets Spanky who is talking to Daisy. He is standing just left of "the sign" behind a chest/trunk when Kitty turns and kneels to talk to Spanky. Never cared for that kid even though his mom was good looking.
Someone mentioned why Kitty didn't go around the curtain to get Spanky, but couldn't because of the stage hands. Well they were on the other side of the stage. I wondered why she didn't take the gap in between the curtains right next to where she was standing. You can see the 6 to 8 foot gap when the MC is on stage and calls Daisy out on stage.


I have to agree with Spankyfan2 on this after checking it very carefully it seems there is another act in between the harmonica player and Spanky. After looking closely I now believe that there isn't a clear indication that the MC is pointing to Spank with his index finger and pointing with his thumb with his thumb telling his stagehands not to let her near the stage if she goes over there. Even thou I was told this by a professor back in the day. Maybe he thought it would explain things better.

The idea that Spanky's costume is ornate and his reciting Shakespeare is over the top as the other kids are dressed regular and use simple folk tunes is something. People will notice the mother is domineering and also well dressed, her engagement ring seems to be large as well. She is well dressed and her expensive dress is one of the major reasons she gets her comeupeance. Her dress is woolen a cotton dress wouldn't have gotten stuck on the hook so easy and probably would have ripped through. But Spanky's Mother's wool dress once it was snagged it stayed snagged. But it was the depression and people wanted to see rich people get it.


I think it was just a cut away they reedited for time concerns. But had to leave the dancing sounds in rather than reshoot. Remember these were only shorts shown before the movie.
