A thought

Hey Doug

I have been reading some of the posts on the web which talk about " Beginner's luck". I've had all the ones I can get printed so I have a hard copy so if it disappears I still have it, which I learned the hard way over the years.

Something I thought about as I was reading some that spoke of Roach loving every second as the character of Spanky's mother suffered and wanted her suffering to continue as much as possible. The last four or five all mentioned that the character of Spanky's mom had lines ,mannerisms or actions that were taken from real stage mothers that Roach and company had run across.

My question is if you know what lines and mannerisms that Spanky's mother uses are from real people?


Hi Ralph

Yeah I read all those every once in a while. You are so right that you print it so it can never disappear ,you have a hard copy. I remember seeing on that was very well written and very interesting towards the end the writer said wouldn't this have been great if it really happened to your best friend and his mom ,that would have been hilarious. That line stunned me as he wanted it to happen to his best friend so he could laugh at them. I found it strange.

Getting back to your question the answer is No I don't know which lines and mannerisms and actions were from real stage mothers.
It is a good question and I would only be speculating on which are real.

One action she took is offensive to women who became a mom in the last 20 yrs or so. That is when Daisey is on the stage Spanky comes out of the stage wings and motions to the gang to give Daisey a great round of applause. The MC looks over and clears his throat to notify Spanky's mom to get that kid out of there. She grabs at the cloak on his shoulder and pulls him back in a fast jerking motion. From what I have gathered it wasn't offensive in 1935 but by 1995 it was.

I would guess the whole scene with the ladies group could have been something they saw and the way she has him saying his lines then saying Mother can't hear you.

The way Spanky's mother doesn't get it when the gang pelt him and turn his very serious rendition into a comedy act. She should have just sat back and understood it just happened that way and saving her a lot of humiliation.

Maybe some other folks could pipe in with their ideas.


I remember reading that one with the guy saying it would have been great to see this happen to his best friend and his best friend's mom.I found it hard to believe or is it something deep from the subconscious that we really want to see that happen?


I think we all have our fantasy on this board either about Kitty or someone we know. So many times I wish they had redone this short with a modern theme and some Hollywood moms back in the day. I to have had thoughts of seeing a few woman I know going on stage and losing her dress. I think we can all relate to that is some way.
