two hooks

I often wondered when Spanky's mother comes in between the the curtain openings and is viewed on stage by the audience. There wasn't two hooks that snagged her dress being one hook would only hold down one side of the curtain and one would be needed for the other side. Two hooks would of been a nice touch to really hook her good. Also have you all known many curtains to open side to side and be raised seems like you would only need it to do one function not both. Just some random thoughts.


Your right,most stage curtains I've seen open side to side!


In the older theater's that did plays you have stage curtains that go straight up so as not to obstruct the view of the stage or actors especially if it was a large production. The hooks come together to allow the curtains to rise with minimal flapping so they appear to rise as one piece.Though only the right hook pokes through the hem of her dress and that is why she was able to turn to the left. If both hooks poked through her dress hem she would not have been able to turn and it would have been a sure thing that she could not have been able to grab her hooked dress.
