Time Line

Any idea on the time line to produce an episode of the Little Rascals? In Beginners Luck the only differences in scenes that I can see are with Kitty. During close ups of her face the curls of her hair are in different positions on her hat. Also her dress on the bottom is button and unbutton.


most of the shorts were shot very quickly ,some in the same day. I know that BL was rushed to get it out as soon as possible and please the theater owners. However,with this short Alfalfa and his brother were discovered playing in Roach s own cafe and Roach loved them and then had the writers add them into BL even though it had already started shooting and parts . my guess says Roach s our gang shorts we re e probably made over a week maybe 2 but BL was done faster than that,


I wonder how many reshoots the last scene took


That's a great question. When Kitty is first being pulled thru the curtain, the camera shot from the front and back is different, Perhaps just editing, unfortunately I think Jerry Tucker is the only person still alive who could answer that. Last month the independent movie theater by me had a Rascals film perspective. I forgot the name of the guy who presented it, but he apparently ran movie and then discussed Rascals with audience. I could not make it, was curious if anyone else knew about this.


I would love to find out any info you can get on this. I would be very interested in it. I've heard of some of these where the guest speaker was a real expert on the subject of the Our Gang shorts, but in most cases the so called expert really didn't know any more than the average person and just followed a set script and when asked a question they fell apart.


Great question by markcity and was there even film in camera for reshoots...
Just kidding!!


I wonder how many re-shoots and how many dresses they went through!!?? Along with how many different scenes they may of shot and didn't make to the final because it may have been to risque. I'm sure the writers were full of creative juices, so to speak, brain storming with new ideas.


I would love to own the director's cut of beginners luck if there was such a thing back then.
