
I have probably watched this vid like 1000 times or more and today
the word Precision came to mind..

Precision because when Spanky's mom tries to get Spanky off the stage , she is able to hook his shoe in the exact spot with her pole to yank him off the stage as
Spanky for whatever reason is kicking and fighting her all the way..

Precision because when Grandma wants to Stop the show..she really yanks the curtain ropes, which raises the curtain and precisely hooks Spanky's mom's dress hem,
which causes it to lift the skirt part comes off her exposing her to the roaring crowd in just her slip and a look of helplessness as she is laughed at.

Precision because when Spanky's mom is exposed in just her slip, heels and beret to the howling audience..Spanky slides the stage prop that perfectly fits right under her chin, causing her to look just like a shocked, puzzled animal that is opened legged that may be in heat..



Wow !!! When I read your post the book we've been talking about came up front as he spoke of the precessioness of the short. But you must realive that the simple fact that the mother went to the curtain extended Spanky's act as they were laughing their heads off watching her actions and Spank's reactions. The mother made numerous arrests to hook him do it wasn't a one shot deal. Also Grandma was watching her daughter so intently waiting her time that the mother was in the exact location that the hook wud snag her dress.


If I may play devil's advocate to your post.
1-I never said Spanky's mom snagged his shoe on her first attempt.
2- In the opening scene Grandma said "we never had an actor in the family, so how would grandma know her way around a backstage, and know the the ropes that she was gonna yank was
1 Going to expose her daugher/daugher-in-law
2 Know that there was a hook in the curtain
3 Know that the hook would catch the hem in her skirt and cause an even greater spectacle then the one occuring on stage..


Your correct on the 1st it wasnt her first attempt to hook her son that she does.
It is a great point that they hadn't had an actor in the family so the old woman shud"t have has any idea how the curtain works or that the hook wud snag her dress and tear it off. But most people wud know how a curtain worked as they had many of them in their homes at the windows and it wud work the same with the big one as the small ones. The snagging of the dress may have been a complete accident by the old gal but something when she got it she went all out.
