MovieChat Forums > Ukikusa monogatari Discussion > Fifty Nine '1' votes!? Something's wrong...

Fifty Nine '1' votes!? Something's wrong here...

Check out the voting brackets. Am I supposed to believe that out of 332 viewers, 59 of them gave this movie a '1' vote?

That seems awkward, because this is kind of an obscure film. The kinda movie that only film buffs would make the effort to seek and watch. Also never mind the fact that "A Story of Floating Weeds" is actually good and touching.

Looks to me like a hacker out there has a grudge against Ozu.


If one looks around, one finds an immense amount of ratings abuse on IMDB.



Every dream is a prophecy: every jest is an earnest in the womb of Time.


I can see that this movie would not appeal to the "casual" viewer but the percentage of 1's does seem very high.

Am actually going to watch it again tonight (Criterion DVD). Gave it 10/10 first time round.


I love Ozu, but A Story of Floating Weeds really wasn't something I connected with. Frankly it bored me to tears. Not to say I don't admire the film, and admire Ozu's direction, its just that the film didn't really engage me at all. I could not watch it in one sitting, so I'd give it a 7.5, rounded up to an 8. An admirable film, but just boring as hell. Ozu works because he engages the viewer with characters they relate to, with A Story of Floating Weeds I was not engaged at all.

Last film seen: A Story of Floating Weeds 8/10


I love Ozu, but A Story of Floating Weeds really wasn't something I connected with. Frankly it bored me to tears. Not to say I don't admire the film, and admire Ozu's direction, its just that the film didn't really engage me at all. I could not watch it in one sitting, so I'd give it a 7.5, rounded up to an 8. An admirable film, but just boring as hell. Ozu works because he engages the viewer with characters they relate to, with A Story of Floating Weeds I was not engaged at all.
Even if one feels that way, this film sure as hell doesn't deserve a "1".

Sig under construction


Same post under different names, huh?


This has become one of my favorite Ozu films a hell of a lot more exciting and moving than his somewhat austere 1959 remake. The only one's I've liked more are Early Summer (1949) and Late Spring (1949).

I think a few of them are just because they might have expected something else when they came in; A Story Of Floating Weeds (1934) is atypical in Ozu's work in that it doesn't involve many of the actors he commonly works with, it doesn't take place in the city, and it doesn't involve a marriage. It's also a lot more cynical than many of Ozu's films, and ends with the mother in ruins (this was softened in Floating Weeds (1959)) and the father dead broke once again.

Or people don't like silent films, especially those by Ozu, who is more serence (or slow, depending on who you ask) than most. Who knows?

Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head."


7/10 seems right. Nothing really stands out with the film to be fair. It's rather standard overall and can actually on occasion be quite dull as well. The exterior scenes had some nice shot compositions however, but like all Ozu the films the camera work is all so very still.

"Bars during the day are like women without make-up"


All movies will have a lot of 10's and a lot of 1's.


It was 18% then, now it's 3.5%. Maybe they look at the cover and think retro-anime.
