MovieChat Forums > Triumph des Willens (1935) Discussion > Triumph des Willens and Barry Lyndon

Triumph des Willens and Barry Lyndon

Doesn't the scene with the Youth fighting each other shirtless while the others stood around them and cheered remind you of the scene in Barry Lyndon when Barry joins the army and picks up a fight with a fellow soldier?



Thanks. That was a very interesting point. (even though unrelated to Kubrick's cinematic views, but I saw what you meant)


Just a quick note, wasn't the first Reich the HOLY Roman Empire? Not the Roman Empire itself? Waaaaaay after Rome and Constantinople fell the Holy Roman Empire existed which was basically a collection of Germanic States. If I remember accurately Napoleon ended the First Reich, the Second Reich was formed under Kaiser Wilhelm 1st, thanks to Bismarck, in 1870 and ended in 1918.
