Bush Comparisons

Not to provoke some political controversy here but does anyone else see some similarities between the joyous-brotherhood nationalistic tone of this propaganda piece and the George W. Bush reelection ads, publicity, language, etc...?



the states are using this kind of propaganda for decades!
and today they are using the "patriotic" agenda more than ever over the people.

they do not use to make militar parades as the nazis did but thats not necessary anyway as we see militars and military machines, guns, big weapons (how they are made and how good they are) everyday on tv in programs such as history channel and all the discovery series, militars has a prominent figure in american culture, they are often used as a synomym of patriotism and nation! and thats nothing but neo-language, well described by Orwell in 1984.


Fascism mastered the art of propaganda and our government certainly isn't above using those tactics.
People think fascism is defined by gas chambers and genocide, but it's more about how the government controls and deceives the public. How doesn't that apply to America?

We kill too often because we've made it too easy...


Darn right. Ironically also, Hitler himself said he envied the British propaganda in the First World War, thinking it the best in the world and he even studied it and tried to use techniques from it in his own campaign.

Makes you wonder where anything originates doesn't it?




"...but [Hitler's] government's ability to govern exceeds Dubya's little cartel by lightyears."

What are you? A NAZI?


War is the State.


Prpoganda is propoganda. It's just supporting different ideals, fear of that which is alien is a popular and effective tool in propaganda.

I'm no Bush fan but I think drawing a paralell here is a bit of a stretch.



Ignorance is bliss



That's arrogant, propaganda is designed so people don't see that it's propaganda. Lots of people believe in Bush, lots of people don't. Who's right? Who TRULY knows Bush is wrong or right? Most of us have to READ, or HEAR or SEE someone elses research or opinion and then DECIDE if we believe it or not. How do we know we're hearing the truth? IS it propaganda? Or COUNTER-propaganda? Let's face it, both sides are saying BELIEVE ME, BELIEVE ME!


You just hit the nail on the head.

We should take the evidence from both sides and make informed choices gathered from our own interpretation of the proof on offer, that goes for political parties as much as it goes for buying a burger.
But of course nobody has time to study their options anymore, so people usually just choose what they see, which is where blanket coverage advertising has us by the nads. It doesnt matter if one or two object, because most of the targets get hit.

Sorry if that is a bit out-there, it was fine in my head.

I remember when all this used to be fields


Not so much Bush, but moreso the American mentality on the "war on terror" that is creating hysteria among the people. I've seen the quick calls for national security, bolstering the defense, and clamping down on the freedoms of individuals. It isn't just in the US either, many other nations are just as paranoid, screaming "public safety" as the cause of restriction. The ideas of preemptive strikes and "you're either with us or against us" has began to take a new eery turn in world history.

Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy... the fear to attack


Propaganda is as old as the media, as long as political leaders have sought to convince the people of what to believe, something that all governments (and political parties) have been guilty of, to a degree. As for similarities between Bush and Hitler, you're clutching at straws. Both had completely different ideologies, and America isn't becoming a one party state any time soon. You may disagree with Bush's beliefs and methods, you may consider him many things, but to compare him to Hitler is nothing more than a cheap insult that reflects badly on the speaker's intelligence.


As for similarities between Bush and Hitler, you're clutching at straws. Both had completely different ideologies, ...

Absolutely right!

For the NAZI's, the final solution was the genocide of the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals, and everyone else they did not like.

For the Bush crowd (and W is just a tool, it has to be acknowledged), the final solution is the subjugation of the non-rich to assure that they will continue to genuflect at the superiority of the rich.

Make no mistake, the Bushists are not nationalists nor racists! They are intent on subjugating poor white people as well as poor brown people of all nations - and all ethnicities are welcome. Just look at the friendship of some of the Bushists more intimate friends, such as the bin-Laden family, the Saudi royal family, Vladimir Putin, etc. In fact, it kind of looks like the Saudi's called the shots on the invasion of Iraq. Maybe it's because they are such good friends and it was good business?

In Haiti, where it was my namesake's home, it was done just a bit of what Bush does, but we could not do so much because there was not so much money. But the duValierists would do the same if they had the money and that is the better comparison than to Hitler.

Yes, there is a huge difference and we should not forget it.

But the Bushists, they are willing to kill a few thousand brown people to make their point.
