MovieChat Forums > Triumph des Willens (1935) Discussion > Should i watch it whith subtitles?

Should i watch it whith subtitles?

They say the movie is best watched whiout them since you can feel hitlers emotion better. Plus, they say the speeches are not that entertaining(the way they say it is) and its best not to look at the bottom of the screen all the time. Im planing to see this, and even though ill end up watching it both ways, how should i start?


The movie is brilliant, either with or without subtitles. If you want to watch it and follow what is going on, then subtitles are the best option. However, if you want to experience the movie in it's purity and with the most impact as Riefenstahl intended, then having it just it German is advisable. But that's just my opinion.



If you're not fluent in German (I am not), of course. If the words didn't matter she wouldn't have chosen them. I hate the fact that the songs aren't translated. Why Wagner? If they weren't an important part of the whole (words AND music), Riefenstahl wouldn't have selected them in editing. It is ALL important, not just some of the pieces.


It doesn't really matter, it's not about the exact words said in the speeches, if you have seen one of them you have seen them all, that's why this movie might be a little bit overrated: it's boring sometimes, except if you also watch it because you're interested in history, particulary WWII. I study History and i had to watch it for an assignement about whetter its propaganda of art.

If you're really interested in the several men speeching, than you should watch it with subtitles.



Like about anything else, you should probably try it both ways. One for taking in the sensory impact of the sights and sounds of the film, and the second time with the subtitles to understand just WHAT is being said.



Im actually studying German language now so ill probably be able to fully experience it soon. Its actually a pretty easy language if you compare it to english and remember certain punctations.


The subtitles may help in identifying many of the speakers. While Hermann Goering may be fairly recognizable, people like Julius Streicher and Baldur von Schiract(sp?) are not.
