only deported his entire Jewish population? NO HOLOCAUST-- What if he did this and never invaded Russia until after he completely rapped up France, England, etc. Would he still be considered evil? Would the world be any worse than it is now??
---MY answer---- Minus the holocaust-- Politcally, there is less wrong with being a nazi than Communist Russia. Had Hitler united all of the people of europe ( after subduing those who resisted) he would have been able to easily take care of a one front war with Russia. Communism would have been destroyed. There would have never been any communist supported extreme islam, cold war, vietnam, north korea, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. All the enemies that we face as americans today would have never existed. Crap countries like Pakistan, India, and China would have never acquired atomic weapons because Hitler would have made it impossible for them to do so by mercilessly killing all who tried. I wish he would have just deported all the jews to palestine--it happened a couple of years later anyway. Hitler was crazy and really had some off the wall plans---however, I really think that he botched a golden opportunity to create some order in the world.
Politcally, there is less wrong with being a nazi than Communist Russia.
Hmmm... maybe. What do you mean by "Communist Russia"? Do you mean being a citizen of communist Russia or a mass murdering butcher like Stalin in communist Russia? Please explain.
What if he did this and never invaded Russia until after he completely rapped up France, England, etc.
Yes, I agree that it was a mistake to invade Russia - especially since it was the same mistake his predecessor made during WW1, but as for "wrapping up" France and England etc. perhaps you should read Philip K Dick's "Man in the High Castle" for an alternative and more likely view of history, had Hitler won WW2. I don't reckon you'd like it mate.. Why do think the axis powers would have just stopped at Europe?
Crap countries like Pakistan, India, and China
I agree they are crap countries too mate*, but no doubt the inhabitants of these countries do not think of them as being "crap". I don't like the fact that they have nuclear weapons either (especially given the fact that they have them and Australia doesn't - damn it!) but I think it was enivitable.
* Not that I have been to them as my heavily tatooed arms, illustrated with eagles, swastikas and guns would only serve to make me the victim of public abuse in such countries.
1.Well, any aspect of communism. The people who took part in it (willingly or unwillingly). Especially the way stalin would just kill EVERYone. Even it Nazi Germany there was room for advancement through hard work. Hitlers system rewarded talent, courage, etc and promoted people to achiever for themselves and for the greater good of Germany. Communism was a dead end for everyone except stalin. Had one of the two come to dominate the world... I would have much prefered the nazis for that reason I am white and of german ancestry...
2. I know it isnt exactly clear but could Britain and France really be any worse off than they are now??? Realistically, the natives of those countries who arent pussified would have much prefered to keep all the immigrants (muslims out) and somewhat keep their identity. Britain and France of today are not what they were in the wwII era and before. Maybe by not siding with hitler they sealed their fate to become muslim countries.
3. We dont have to be PC here---THEY ARE CRAP...Those crap countries would still be in the stone age if hitler had won. They would be even more 3rd world right now than they already are. He would have made them the peasant class and let them roam in their crappy homeland like cattle. Certainly, the would not have any nuclear weapons--or rights to complain about not. He would not have let them move to his territory and take jobs money education opportunities from his people like they do today.----Dont worry if your from australia...we americans love australians even more than the terms of nuclear war--us having nukes is practically as good as having them yourself.
---- I do not think that he would have stopped at europe, but I didnt say I would have been against that either---America is becoming a hell hole. We probably would have been better off siding with hitler. Now were being overpowered by illegal immigrants, gays, abortionists, minority rights, and anti-american traitors. Hitler could have been the balance.
Lab_boy, the fact is that Australia has the resources and technology to develop its own nuclear weapons but has not done so. In his call for a 'full-blooded' nuclear debate, Prime Minister Howard probably doesn't wish to see such a taboo subject raised. I've been down under on holiday by the way, absolutely loved it.
marks1092, in principle I agree with what you are saying, if Germany had won the Second World War (and they nearly did) the world would not be under threat from Muslim extremist & when you consider that since 9/11 Britain & American are well on the way to becoming police states (Britain has 2% of the world’s population but 25% of the world’s CCTV camera’s) for what it’s worth Germany might as well have won. I lived in Germany for many years & though no country is perfect (though the Americans like to think theirs is & think you’re a left wing piece of s..t if you don’t agree) Germany comes close.
It’s interesting you should say “Britain and France of today are not what they were in the WWII era and before. Maybe by not siding with Hitler they sealed their fate to become Muslim countries”. Ironically enough because the Jewish lobby in America is all powerful America is not under threat from Muslim extremist to the same degree we are in Europe. The fact the US is a Jewish country is proving a blessing in disguise in these troubled times.
>>2. I know it isnt exactly clear but could Britain and France really be any worse off than they are now??? Realistically, the natives of those countries who arent pussified would have much prefered to keep all the immigrants (muslims out) and somewhat keep their identity. Britain and France of today are not what they were in the wwII era and before. Maybe by not siding with hitler they sealed their fate to become muslim countries<<
As a Brit, I totally agree with this comment. I have said for years now that Britain would have been better off if we had allied ourselves with Germany back in 1940, for all of the above reasons.
There are some really crazy theories on this thread.
I am not sure how to respond or if I should bother to do so but my take on all of this is that I disagree.
Being somone that is truly disgusted with the climate in the world today I can understand how some people would feel that maybe it would have made things easier if the Germans had either won WW2 or the US and England had become allies with Germany. The problem with this is the truth gets in the way.
Hitler would have been allies with the US and England but eventually turned on both countries at some point. He had a history of doing this with everyone. Hitler had a treaty with the Soviets when he invaded Poland and the Soviets benifitted from this. It was not until Hitler invaded Russia that the USSR came into the war on the Allies side. I think that if Hitler had won the war he would have turned on Japan at some point as well. (although I have never read any verification of this) What people seem to not understand is that the German economy was based entirely on the war machine.
From a moral standpoint Hitler was evil incarnate. There would be no excuse to embrace this monster and his actions.
One of the reasons we are in this mess right now is the lack of any desire at the end of WW2 to confront the Soviets. I can hardly blame the Allies but the Soviets and Stalin were already saber rattling at the end of the world war and more than willing to begin the cold war.
I am indeed hawkish regarding the current world situation. I do not understand people that do not realize that the muslim world is hell bent on the destruction of western culture and is winning this war. Mostly becuase history does indeed repeat itself. The failure for the west to unite and act against Muslim fanatisiscm is only going to make things more difficult going down the road and at some point we will need to confront it.
But I hardly agree that Hitler winning world war 2 would have been the best avenue and only trading one monster for another.
Hitler was evil incarnate? I have to laugh at that statement, it's absolutely ridiculous. What was Churchill? What was Stalin? Churchill willingly entered a war, and many people agree with me when I say he was largely responsible for the death of millions. Before France and England declared war, Hitler's focus was almost completely on the east. He wanted to crush Stalin's Communist machine and take back formerly Prussian states. Churchill feared Germany growing geographically, being the remarkable "patriot" and man that people make him out to be. Instead of letting Hitler purge the world of communism in the east, he started a conflict that would ungulf and terrorize the world for 6 years.
In about 100 years Europe will not even be a European country. This is what Hitler was talking about, and sometimes it takes an extreme individual to prevent these things from happening. Of course, I don't believe Hitler planned any mass genocide, but I don't intend on starting that argument again. There will be another Hitler in the near future, whether he gets quashed again will be for history to decide. The reason our schools and the media try to demonize Hitler and the Nazis to such an extent is because they know people can think for themselves. Within every man and woman there is that sense of doubt that maybe things could have been better, but the Israel lobby and a media run by Jews prevents any uprising.
The catholic kings of Spain at the end of the XV century (1492) expelled the entire jewish (and muslim) population from Spain. Those who didn't want to leave Spain should convert themselves to catholicism.
Most jewish and muslims left Spain, but of course you can't bring with you your house, your dead relatives, your land, all your possesions. Actually the Spain Crown didn't allow the jews to take out the gold and jewels from Spain. I bet the Nazis would have done the same: "You can leave but your money, house, etc. is now ours"
I think that kind of actions were wrong and even "evil" (although there is no comparison with the cruelty of the Nazis).
Anyway that would have been better (or less worse) on any context, than exterminating millions of human beings.
PS: Most descendants from those "spanish jews" now lives in Greece, Turkey and of of course Israel and they still speaks an old spanish dialect called "Ladino". In the other hand the jews from Germany now dwells in graveyards.
But I can see Hitler still has a fair ammount of followers around the world. Like the OP.
You've clearly never read Hitler's table talks. Consider the following:
"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianty's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence would have developed in the direction of world domination and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilization at a single stroke. Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that was in the natural order of things." - night of 11-12 July 1941
"Just as in Islam, there is no terrorism in the Japanese State religion, but, on the contrary, a promise of happiness. This terrorism in religion is , to put it briefly, of a Jewish dogma, which Christianity has universalized and whose effect is to sow trouble and confusion in men’s minds." - 4 April 1942
"At the same time they would have had to renounce their pretentions in North Africa and the Near East; and that would have allowed Europe to pursue a bold policy of friendship towards Islam." 4th February 1945
"I am quite sure that very few of the so-called Reds in Spain were really Communists. We were badly deceived, for, had I known the real state of affairs, I would never have allowed our aircraft to bombard and destroy a starving population and at the same time re-establish the Spanish clergy in all their horrible privileges." 10th February 1945
"All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories. The Egyptians, the Irakis and the whole of the Near East were all ready to rise in revolt. Just think what we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and in our own interest! But the presence of the Italians at our side paralysed us; it created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends, who inevitably saw in us accomplices, willing or unwilling, of their oppressors."
"I don't see much future for the Americans … it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities … my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance...everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?" 7 January 1942
Hitler hated Americans more than the Middle East or Islam. There are many other quotes that support this which were stated directly by him. A victory for Hitler would have seen the death of Christianity and western "democracy". He didn't give a *beep* about places like China or India and actually wanted to HELP them:
"I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." (13th February 1945)
Die Bormann Vermerke: Transcripts of Hitler's conversations (5 July 1941 - 30 November 1944), made under the supervision of Martin Bormann, published in the UK as "Hitler's Table Talks" (1953).