MovieChat Forums > Triumph des Willens (1935) Discussion > Triumph des willens only have 7.3 out of...

Triumph des willens only have 7.3 out of 10?? IMDB needs a better taste.

It is indeed pro-nazi but isin't that the beauty of the movie? It depicts the chilling effects of seeing this kind of movie. How exactly are we going to learn history by looking at fictionnal movies?

Propaganda is propaganda in the 40s but TODAY, this propaganda is used as a tool to learn about the people of the Third reich. We can't learn the correct history by watching Americans killing 50 Germans with 1 hand grenade.

How can this only be 7.3? Infact, I believe it's also essentiel to watch this movie for WWII history classes.


Come on, forget the rating which is collectively given by the mob. I always dont believe in this kind of democracy which the majority of poorly educated living pieces of meat dictate the result. This moive does receive wide and enduring recognition of the technical skills of Riefenstahl despite the controversial subject, but the rating happens to be given by those who don't know a *beep* about it. How pathetic.

Movie is the last kind of art that keeps intriguing me



If you have a brain of your own you should decide that of your own.

Long live nasism!!!
Heil Hitler





Well, you know, anything the least "pro-Nazi" today is politically incorrect and can get your sentenced to prison in eg. the very country this film's about.

Heck, even having your own opinions on the holocaust will get you sent to prison today, yes, that's our modern alleged democracy. Thought crimes is a fact. This is, however, only the beginning.




Artistically, this was groundbreaking. Contrary to Why We Fight, this was a logistically daunting task as it portrayed a single event from numerous angles. Furthermore, Why We Fight was in fact reactionary to this film and also made many years later, which is why comparing them negates the historical context if we're talking about technical aspects.

Saying that "people were obliged to see it and like it" is retrospective nonsense. They wanted to see, they went and they liked it.


how does one rate nazi propaganda documentaries? I'm giving it a 5 for example
and it's grown to 7.8 now - vote history (OVER 9000 titles)
