MovieChat Forums > Triumph des Willens (1935) Discussion > Just Saw this Film Today in School...

Just Saw this Film Today in School...

I just saw this today in History class and I thought it was unbelievably well done. Videorecorded a hell of a lot better than most movies even today and this was 1934. Besides what it's addressing, I think this is quite the artistic and cinematic achievement, what does everyone else think?

Also, I'd be interested to hear what you all have to say about its message. Thanks!


I would tend to agree with you. I don't think one can question Reifenstahl's artistic prowess, which is why this film is often shown in film school.

When I was shown this film for the first time, the person doing it reminded me about separating the subject matter from the art. I have thought about that a lot sense then.

Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible here. Reifenstahl was infatuated with Hitler and without that infatuation there is no Triumph of the Will.The artistry of the film doesn't exist without the subject matter. It is a hagiography of a monster.

In contrast, Richard Wagner, like many people in his era, was an anti-semite. I have a much easier time separating the anti-semire Wagner from the composer Wagner because his art was not the direct offspring of his prejudice.

Then again, maybe that is a silly distinction.



"I guess history is doomed to repeat itself, until the jews learn not to exploit and manipulate the native people of the country they live in."

How can you say Jews are worse for exploitation and manipulation than any religious denomination, or the non-religious? I think you need to get your facts right before implying that Jews are any different in this context to the rest of society. You may like to think your knowledge on this matter surpasses anyone who thinks differently, but you are being racist.


i agree...every person of every race has done something wrong in their lifetime, something they should not have done, whether it be exploitation, manipulation, shouldn't extend the wrongdoings of individuals to an entire race or creed, or confine those wrongdoings only to people of a certain race or creed, to justify the horrors of a genocide.




But did anyone know yet?
To the general public the Nuremberg Rallies was a pro German rally before anything else. I think Hitler probably had a hidden agenda, and genocide was it. However, how could Reifenstall have known this if the whole German/World population was still in limbo or saw nothing wrong with German Socialism.
It's scary, but I think this could happen again, under similar circumstances, with a well spoken mad man.
The German public had no idea that racism was going to end up being the backbone of Nazism, and it's too bad.
To me, this film is quite possibly propaghanda, but it is a documentary, documenting the rallies. What happened after had nothing to do with the actual film.

"Stay alive baby... do it for Van Gogh."


There were many different kinds of concentrations camps. Genocide started much later.



I'm really impressed at the thought people have put into answering your question. I think The Triumph of The Will is STILL (after 71 years) the finest propaganda movie ever made, much better than the american "Why We Fight" series which completely ignores slavery, racism in the USA, the near genocide of native americans and keeps on describing the soviet people under Stalin as "free". Riefenstahl achieved a masterpiece, especially when you consider she only began work on the project TWO WEEKS before filming started. The german people clearly worshipped Hitler in 1934 & that's obvious throughout. The roar when he first steps off the plane is unlike anything I've ever heard. I wonder what Bush or Blair would give to be so 'loved' by their people? Apart from that we all know our own political parties have studied this film carefully and base their own annual conventions/conferences on the nazi model. If you think that sounds extreme look carefully the next time you see the Republican Party or our own "lovely" New Labour having their annual meet.
If Hitler's plane had crashed on the way back from this rally he would have gone down in history as germany's greatest ever statesman & would be admired and respected throughout the world today. Yeah, it's a great film.



I saw it for the first time in college in Art Appreciation. The professor was a firm believer in the power of the film to be a piece of art as well as, well, what it usually is. LOL In the section on film as art, we saw "Triumph Of The Will" over two days then spent two days on discussion. One about the film as propaganda and the dangers of it and subversion of anything, including art, into propaganda. Another on the artistic merits of the film itself in its direction, staging, blocking, lighting, use of aerial shots, etc. In the end, one has their own opinion on its use, of course, but, the actual construction of the film, versus its intended purpose, can be discussed on an objective level.


It is an artistic, cinematic achievement for the ages, there is no doubt about that. It's tough to take its message seriously knowing how terribly one sided it is, but that's part of the movies magic. It makes its point incredibly powerfully, persuasively, and with incredible visual bombast.

this one we call, "f_ck you HBO".
