This isn't propaganda...
I don't know why people have to dismiss it as such just because they detest the Nazi regime. This was simply a look into the heart of Germany at that time, Hitler and the Nazis had brought life and joy after two decades of misery. The National Socialist party brought hope, and in case any of you forget it they delivered on most of their promises, they made Germany an economic and military powerhouse.
This movie showed how one man, and one party could change an entire nation. It was their will alone that brought Germany up from an economic quagmire, it was the triumph of the will of Hitler and the Nazi party. Also, I find it quite odd that in their most celebrated propaganda film Hitler and the Nazis make no mention of the Jews whatsoever.
This movie isn't propaganda, it's an inspiration. An inspiration that anyone can change the world they live in if they put their mind to it. I'm sure there will be movies made about Obama and what a glorious day it was when he won, it doesn't make it propaganda.
Even if Obama did turn out to be a maniac, you still have to appreciate what that moment meant to so many people in the USA. People need to look at this film with an open mind, and stop listening to the real propaganda they are "taught" in schools and in the media everyday.