truly inspiring

We are in the age of internet...holohoax lies are only a click away. I still don't understand y people cannot think with open mind and logical sense regarding this topic.. Hitler was a true hero. he saved his nation. But the real maniacs made him to go to war and screwed Germany again. Asking questions on holocaust is a crime in 16 countries. Y do u think?? its being put down our throat in text books and in Hollywood. Hitler deserves respect not hatred. He was the man of the hour


The murder of millions of people is not okay. Period.


Yes. Those evil communists killed 20 million Ukrainians. Goddamn them all to hell. Within 15 years they were punished.



Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


The person who replied above is a classic brainwashed person. So I did not bother to ask again to use wits to understand history.



Subject says it all . . .


Yeah, even I think Hitler's uprising is interesting, but that's it, he was a drug addict, a coward, not really ultimately (obvious, he failed, any way you wanna dice it) a winner, he won nothing overall, he lost.

Hence a loser. A dirty micro penis drug addict needle popping coke fiend druggie.



He was Time's man of the year. Then he went insane, tried to take over the world, murdered millions, and of course there's that whole Jew genocide thing.

Not quite inspirational material.


Truly, I agree. He was a great leader who brought Germany out of the ashes to glory.


