This film and "Jamaica Inn"

I love most every Hitchcock film but these two I just couldn't get into that well. Some good shots and definitely feels like Hitchcock in a few spots but *shrugs*. Personally only British Hitchcock film I've really enjoyed is "The Lady Vanishes" and I love that one.

America isnt ready for a gay mexican chicken sandwich - Poultrygeist


hear, hear, i was thinking the same thing, it's the later american hitchcock movies i'm into, these british thriller like are mostly a drag, this was unbelievably boring. weird how hitchcock remade his own movie, i saw that years ago but hadn't seen this before, what good quality though, you can't tell it's from 1934, well you can by the terrible haircuts on the ladies, and they sure smoke a lot in old movies, look at the size of that butter knife, i was caught off guard how the opening credits has got peter lorre third down the list in small letters yet the cover has him blown up and credited as lead. funny when two people are talking about being at the aunt "in paris" it sounded like "who cares". is this really in public domain, unbelievable that being the case with a hitchcock flick.

πŸŽ₯ πŸ“½ 🎞

tried to act cool,
rule over you,
without a word uttered,
you made me shudder,
put through killer eye,
and made a cool guy cry.


I haven't seen Jamaica Inn, but I'd say this and The 39 Steps are the two most ridiculous films Hitchcock ever made.
