AM I the only one who understands this movie?
It is to show how whites see minorities. It is to make people aware of their generally racist, bigotist views. It shows the imbalance in society of whites and, in this case, blacks.
I think it is trying to stop racism by showing how inappropriate racism is. And not flat-out hateful racism but the subtle racism inside most of us. We may not outright hit or kill or commit other violence towards another races, but many of us will take advatage of them, i.e. higher latinos and paying them well under the other employees doing the same work, or as in the movie the white lady was acting the heroine by giving her maid 20% of what rightfully belonged to the maid in the first place.
It is to me obviouse this is not promoting such actions, but condeming them with subtltey.
As I posted other places, I was made more aware of my own indifference in racist matters by watching this film.
I think this movie helps minorities rather than hurts them.
The problem is our society likes things spelled out for them. We dont generally tend to look for meaning in things, especially old movies. If one takes the entire movie, including the title, one would see my points to be fairly accurate, despite my weakness in writting them.
Look at the seen when they have already made it big time and they are going to bed, the white lady walks the stairs towards a lighted area and the black lady walks DOWN towards the dark basement. It is not the point of this scene to say this is right, but that it is the way it is. NOW, knowing this what does one do with this knowledge? Does one allow this sort of thing to continue or do we attempt to change within ourselves and really attempt to treat ALL people with equality.