#1. When Silas Barnaby yelled, "Bah!" at the POOR sheep, was he YANKED by someone off-screen?
#2. Is that "Peewee" a real thing that Stan was playing with, or was that something made just for the movie?
#3. Were those "Little People" or children portraying the 3 Little Pigs?
#4. Who portrayed them? - The Cat playing the fiddle - The Mouse (A monkey?) - The "Executioners" - King Cole- Silas' "helper"(slave) - Sandmen - Bogeymen - Soldiers
#5. Just before Tom-Tom is being taken out of the stockades away to Bogeyland, & Silas is laughing, there is a little person next to him, wearing green & brown. Who is that? He looks SO familiar!
Well, I think the PeeWee thing is just a joke for the film. It was probably little people playing the pigs, like the Munchkins in Wizard of Oz several years later.
Hey! Thank you SO much! I looked the name up, & I FOUND him! Thank you SO much for answering!I have a LOT of movies, & am hard-of-hearing, so I post a LOT of questions. It is SO neat when someone answers a question. When it has been a long time since I posted the question, it makes it so much sweeter when someone answers. I look at my E-Mail, & think, "Oh, YEAH! I had posted that one QUITE a while back!" It's like a present for me. Thanks, again!
And most likely the sheep was pulled by someone, I doubt it was actually scared away, and they didn't have such fierce animal rights laws on movies back then.
A peewee as used in the film used to be called a "cat"
Tip cat, also called ONE-A-CAT, is an outdoor game dating back at least to the 17th Century. It was introduced to North America and elsewhere by English colonists. The game was widely popular in 19th-century Great Britain and in early 20th-century North America.
Although there are many varieties of the game, all involve a stick about 3 ft (1 m) long used as a bat, and a piece of wood (the cat) about 4 in. (10 cm) long, 1 to 2 in. (2.5 to 5 cm) thick, and tapered at the ends. The cat is placed on the ground, struck at one end to propel it upward (tipping the cat), and then slammed with the stick as far as possible. In one version, the batter tries to round the bases, as in baseball, before the fielder retrieves the cat and throws it back to home base. If a batter misses the cat three times or if a fielder catches it on a fly, the batter is out. Earlier versions of the game are based on guessing the distance that the cat is hit, scoring points according to the number that comes up on a four-sided cat, and running from base to base on a large circle while the cat is being retrieved. Some authorities consider tip-cat a forerunner of baseball and cricket.
As to the Three Little Pigs, the first and third appear to have been children, judging by their birthdates in the bios (follow the credits) but the Second Little Pig was a little person standing 2 feet 11 inches, and 26 years of age.
WOW! Hey, THANKS for the answers! I really appreciate it when someone knows the answer(s) & posts them here. Thanks again! I will definitely be looking up Tip Cat!
[Quellek has been shot, and is dying. Alexander rushes to him] Sir Alexander Dane: Quellek? [sees Quellek's wound] Sir Alexander Dane: That's not too bad. We'll get you to the medical quarters, and you'll be fine. Quellek: It has been my greatest pleasure to serve with you. I have been blessed. I... I... I... Sir Alexander Dane: Don't speak, Quellek. Quellek: You'll forgive my impertinence, but even though we have never before met, I have always considered you as a father to me. Sir Alexander Dane: Quellek... by Grabthar's hammer... by the Sons of Warvan... you shall be... avenged.
Thanks! I have this on DVD, now!
Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!
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My Dad used to play with "pewee"'s, described in the previous answer - only, unlike the movie, they didn't return to the striker.
The cat was an actor in costume - watch as he is hit with a brick - he does a classic Oliver Hardy "take-um" before he chases the mouse - which was supposedly a capuchin money in costume - amazing that they could put an over-the-head mask on a monkey.
Kewpie Morgan played Old King Cole, and by the size of him, Tiny Sanford must have been one of the executioners.