
The fake marriage to Stannie, did not actually relieve mother Peep of her debt to Barnaby, (everyone celebrated it so, but they were wrong,) and indeed could have resulted in Barnaby making a claim before the King, with Mother Peep being banished to Bogey land for defrauding him in order to renege on a debt.
With Tom Tom, for pig-napping, the boys for burglary and fraud, Mother Peep for debt, and no one to protect or provide for her, Bo-Peep would have been left destitute, and desperate.
She would have married Barnaby as a last resort, but gladly to bury her sorrows as a tragic yet beautiful wife. ("married to man with hands as cold as ice...")


Yeah, and a jury would have awarded those ruby slippers to the wicked witch of the west in a heartbeat!

Listen hankpac, if this is the way you react to the 76 year old movie of a 107 year old comic operetta, then whatever you do PLEASE don't read the script of the 1903 original! Trust me, you can't handle it!


No, remember, Barnaby tears up the mortgage before he realizes that he is marrying Stan and not Bo-Peep. He was tricked and does storm out saying, "The king will hear of this!" but I think the King wasn't going to side with Barnaby this time so he comes up with the framing plan.


I've been watching this recently, and as I recall, it was actually Ollie who tore up the mortgage after Barnaby (at Ollie's demand) handed it to him.



So they've got Ollie for Criminal Damage as well.

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!
