A Sausage Question
It has been a while since I saw this, so my memory may fail me, but I've always been confused about a scene following Tom-Tom's trial.
One of the evidence displays was a platter of sausage, and after Laurel and Hardy sat down next to it Stan started eating the sausage, prompting Ollie to smack him and ask him what the heck he was doing. After a bit of submissiveness Stan says something to the effect of, "This isn't sausage, Ollie, it's pork!," prompting them to realize that the little pig was still alive, or at least not ground up into links.
It seems like he was supposed to say "beef" instead of "pork." I wonder if this was just a glaring error, and intentional flubbing of lines, or if my memory utterly fails me. Any ideas?