MovieChat Forums > King Kong (1933) Discussion > Where KONG began his road to ruination

Where KONG began his road to ruination

KONG was a wild animal until the native population decided to begin sacrificing women of their tribe to him in a barbaric ritual. This practice seems to have been going on long before any white men came uninvited into their Skull Island enclave. KONG was no longer a wild animal when he could be summoned by drum beat and chant to the gate to collect his human female offering as part of the tribe's sick ritual. What he did with his prize when he disappeared with her into the jungle to his lair can only be left to one's imagination.

The native tribe was already controlling and abusing KONG by making him part of their disturbing human sacrifice rituals when Denham and company arrived on the scene. KONG became an animal that had been perverted to suit the twisted needs of the human native population. Thus began his road to his ultimate destruction.

There is lots of blame to go around for why this poor beast ultimately met his unnatural end. Was it beauty that killed the beast? I don't think so. I believe that it was at first the primitive religion of the indigenous people of the island that required human sacrifice and secondly, the greed of showman Carl Denham. The beast never really had a chance of living out his life in a natural way.


How about putting spoiler next time in your headline.
