Harpo SPEAKS???

In the beginning of the film, following Groucho's inauguration, a motorcycle and accompanying sidecar are summoned.

Voices call out "His Excellency's Car!"

The last voice to call it out is very distinctive.

I can't help but wonder if the voice belongs to Harpo - as a way of playing a joke on the audience.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


Seems to me in the late 50's, I saw an episode of Person to Person, hosted by Edward R. Murrow, in which they toured Harpo's home and he spoke throughout. Anyone else remember this?


Harpo is a charecter in The Man Who Came to Dinner, under the name Banjo, and not only talks but is portrayed very unHarpoish. However, Harpo himself never actulally played the role.


Seems to me in the late 50's, I saw an episode of Person to Person, hosted by Edward R. Murrow, in which they toured Harpo's home and he spoke throughout. Anyone else remember this?
Youtube has the segment (from 1958): www.youtube.com/watch?v=57M3EWfGj4o. Harpo's wife and children speak, but nary a word from him.


He speaks ("honks") here:


My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.


Harpo regularly spoke on the stage, often in an "Irish" accent, along with Chico's "Italian", and Groucho's "German".

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


I have seen newsreel footage of him speaking in an interview. According to his entertaining (if heavily ghost-written) autobiography entitled, apropos, 'Harpo Speaks,' when Minnie Marx called in the boys' uncle Al Shean to rewrite their act, he didn't include a speaking part for Harpo. After Minnie and his brothers convinced Harpo that he was funnier mute, he swore he'd never speak onstage again.

"You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything."
