MovieChat Forums > Duck Soup (1933) Discussion > Do people still 'get' the marx bros?

Do people still 'get' the marx bros?

I ask because well, lets say i watched it with some kids of about.. 7 - 8. And they didn't get it, when the kids who saw it in the 30s (at the same age) did(and they call old movies dumb!) so is it really something that depends on your humour or do most people really just not get it anymore?

My movie blog!



The teens I know definitely appreciate the Marx Brothers. The age group you mentioned might be a little bit too young to do so.


I'm 54 now and I discovered them at 14. They changed my life. Will kids get them now? Depends on the kids.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Like zaphod08 said, it all depends on who's watching.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


There will always be people who get the Marx Brothers, and just as likely I suppose probably some people who will not get them.


I'm 13, and I'm a huge Marx brothers fan


i find the people who don't find them funny are the people who are not paying attention to what is being said in the movie and just start talking over it


The kind of people who complain that "nothing is happening" unless there's an explosion, some gun-play or a car chase. Or at best a "dialogue scene" with some heavy barking threats and the hero saying 'Oh YEAH???!!' .

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


To me that's less a criticism of movie people and their product, than of the moviegoing public and their questionable values. De gustibus non est disputandum.


I watched Duck Soup with my kids (aged 16 and 13) and they both loved it and laughed at the mirror scene.

So long and thanks for all the fish!


Not that long ago I was in a book shop with some friends, and while we were browsing I picked up a book of Marx Brothers film scripts. I opened it at random and started reading it to my friends: it just happened to be the Firefly-Teasdale exchange from "Duck Soup". My friends fell about laughing so much I had to stop before we were thrown out.
So, yes: people still "get it".


I'm old as dirt, but I was wondering: do 10- or 14-year-olds have enough familiarity with vaudeville, old-style Broadway revues, Depression references, et al. to appreciate a film from this time period?

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


People who prefer Two & A Half Men/ 2 Broke Girls over 30 Rock and Parks & Recreation wouldn't get it.


It has nothing to do with "getting" the Marx brothers. It just has to do with whether or not you find their style of comedy funny. Not everyone would find their unique style entertaining, and that's fine.

And you'd be lying if you said you couldn't see how a person could not find them funny.
