I really didn't enjoy Scarface at all. Almost no plot progression, crude character development, boring direction, boring dialogue, mediocre acting. The medium was very young in the early 30s, and I do think that constitutes a reasonable excuse, but I don't see how this gets 7.9 on IMDB. It fails to stand the test of time. Anyone else agree?
I disagree. This film was made during Prohibition, it was controversial at the time since of course the film´s main character, based on Al Capone, was still active in real life. Scarface was way ahead of its time in terms of realism. Of course it´s a very old movie, and creaks a little, but given the technical possibilities of that era the car chases, shootouts, personal relationships between the lead actors still command attention.
Mediocre acting? Paul Muni? Crude character development? Boring direction? I know everyone is entitled to their opinion. But Brian you really need to get over the fact that your version of Scarface is nothing but a parody. And Al if this you, you really need to be ashamed fo yourself. It has to be one of you because no one who has two eyes to see would ever make a comment like that about one of the best actors of all time and one of the greatest movies ever made.
in the same way the original was made during the prohibition era, the remake was made in the height of illegal immigrants, and it's a great port for the story.
Oliver Stone's version was easily on par with the this one. (and yes, I have seen and own them both)
Brian DePalma is not the new anybody, but he struck it big with that one.
Well we just in disagreement. I remember when the De Palma one first came out and it was a laughing stock. People were howling in the audiance. I do not know what happened between then and now that makes it a good, no a great picture. It was a joke and Pacino played it over the top like Jason Robards did in the St Valentine's Day Massacre. It was just a bad movie with a lot of over the top acting and comic book violence. It is good for a laugh, in the Plan 9 from Outer Space mode, but not to be taken seriously. It might be in the so bad its good catagory but DePalma took it to seriously. Now he and Pacino are laughing all the way to the bank. simple because hip hop culture and gangsta made it popular today. But back then it was a joke.
I hope you mean bad ass in a literal sense, because you must of felt real bad wasting you money on such a piece of garbage. And if that movie made you feel like a bad ass, then it sure doesn't take much to impress you. Which one is it, the literal meaning or the slang meaning? Think hard before answering.
Now I do not know where you saw the movie, maybe where you live people were impressed. Perhaps you snuck into the movie and you were a youngster but Pacino's over acting was enough to have people laughing add on the bad accent and the Miami Vice meets the Frito Bandito on coke type plot. And what do you have, A awful movie that is so bad that it is entertaining, in a unintentional way. You cannot possibly tell me you took the movie seriously. And we are not going to get into the high insensitivity about Latino's aspect of the movie.
It is a pity you have limited yourself. One who does that also has a limited view of most things. So it does not surprise me that you would think the remake was a good movie. And why else would you say something so misled about the production values in the 30's are a joke. How you came to a conclusion like that about something you admit limiting yourself to is just as preposterous as Al Pacino's accent. Oh well, what else can I say other then if Say hello to My Little Friend your idea of good writing. I say Say hello to a good movie, the original Scarface,
I was in the Audiance when Scarface with Pacino came out. I remember walking out of that film saying it was bad ass. I don't recall any howling during the picture.<<<<<<<
Whether people were actually howling or not, Scarface 1983 was initially a box office disappointment. It previewed during the Christmas holiday and on the opening weekend had only cleared just over four million in box office receipts. This despite production cost of over 25 million which was no low budget by 1983 standards. Granted, that by the time it went into video it had double its money in US distribution. Yet, it wasn't thought to become the classic gangster film of the late 20th century. The 1983 Scarface was one of the early films which gained lofty status through video.
Technically, Pacino was over-the-top in his performance. However, it broke him out of a mold which placed the viewing audience on notice that he was an actor who could define roles from the method acting approach. Think about his previous films. Here was a guy of small stature who although initially appeared meek and mild could step up and give strong performances. But in Scarface he figuratively threw away the script and took a chance in this part. At the time of its release Pacino fans and myself included were saying "Al what are you doing". It was felt that this crazy accent and over acting would lead to his undoing. Yet, upon close observation of Tony Montana, Pacino gained spontaneity through an understanding of the character's objectives and this enabled him to portray emotional investment in the scenes that allowed the viewer to react to the character. Thus creating a "willing suspension of disbelief". You could actually believe that he snorted dozens of grams of cocaine and fire a grenade launcher in a closed room at a door from less than 15 feet, demolishing the door and then swagger out. Afterwards being shot 30-40 times and still standing. Despite the impossibility of the aforementioned scenario, Pacino sold it to the world. Theoretically it should have been easier to sell sand in the Sahara.
Scarface at the outset appeared to be a bad movie. But because Pacino performance it translated into a masterpiece. He demonstrated to all that his approach to method acting rivalled Dean, Brando and Newman.
Many thanks to the last poster :-) To the others - people wake up - these movies are completely different, that's idea of a remake, not making a copy (like "Psycho"). But saying that the 1983 version sucks is not right... It is like a fan of the 83 version saying this one sucks. Many people are offended by the profanity - well I know many people (including myself) who curse like that and worse and they even aren't criminals (n'or have seen scaeface83).
Both the 1932 and 1980's remake of 'Scarface' are masterpieces in their own right. They are both examples of "classic Hollywood" and will never be forgotten.
The '80s remake is not a masterpiece. It's like Hawks' Scarface trying to blend Kubricks A Clockwork Orange and it just doesn't work. That score is hedious, the acting is far too over the top and not believable and the dialogue may actually be the worst in film history. The guy who started this post says the original is dated? The style that is portrayed in the remake is like something on another planet, it's awful. And has anything dated well from the '80s? This film was garbage and the only reason why people think it's a masterpiece is because their told that it is. Simple as that. Fat Joe has Tony Montana on his bedroom wall, isn't that enough proof that this film is complete crap?
Scarface looks dated because it was made in the 80's, and the story takes place IN THE 80's. It is about the Cuban crimewave; the boatloads of Cuban immigrants coming into Miami. That happened in the 80's. Get it? The music score is not hideous, or "hedious" as you spelled it; it is simply "80's." As awful as it sounds today, this tacky music was exactly the kind of music that was playing in Miami nightclubs at this time. Especially in Miami, the tackiest place on Earth. That music brilliantly captures the empty, cocaine soaked trash decadence of the time. Would you expect these Cuban gangsters to be listening to Chopin, and dressed in Ralph Lauren suits? That would have been boring, and unrealistic. Again, the clothing and style portrayed in "Scarface" was dead-on for the times. Today the film appears as a time capsule, a real bit of nostalgia, which is why so many love it. The dialogue in the remake was no more over the top than the original, and contains some of the most memorable, quotable lines in film history. "Scarface" is a film on epic scale, a true Hollywood icon. It is stylish, dramatic and exciting. And the "tackiness" is part of what makes this film so hypnotically watchable. Anyone who thinks 1980's Cuban refugee drug lords looked, acted or dressed differently than Tony Montana, and his gang, need to check out some old newsreels; these guys were not exactly the epitome of "class." They were slimy thugs, and murderers who never had a cent before coming to America. As for the fact that "Scarface" initially bombed commercially when it played movie theatres, this means nothing, as most films that have huge commercial success are absolute garbage. Example; "Pretty Woman." That movie was a "mega-hit" in it's day, but who cares about that piece of garbage today? "Scarface" is epic, classic movie making, and I pity those who can't enjoy this adreneline packed saga. It beats ANY of the manipulative, and CGI enhanced trash being produced in Hollywood these days. Incidentally, I don't know who "Fat Joe" is, and I am proud of that fact. But if you are going to judge a film's merits by the opinion of some guy named "Fat Joe," than I must question your taste. And I imagine that if "Fat Joe" is a fan of "Scarface," than there is a chance he also likes "Goodfellas," or "Taxi Driver." I suppose that means those films are "crap" as well, huh?
A movie being a box office flop has nothing to do with the quality of the film. Classic flims such as Bringing Up Baby, Vertigo, Sunrise, and It's a Wonderful Life were all huge letdowns at the box office. However, today these films are universally recognized as masterpieces. Therefore, that is beyond the point. The 1980s Scarface is not a masterpeice nor should it be hailed for it's displeasing acting and exceptionally bad dialogue:
"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman."
"You know what capitalism is? Gettin' *beep*
If that's considered extraordinary dialogue than I give up. Pachino's performance is laughably campy, the story is overwritten, the performances are overacted and the film is overdirected. De Palma has never made a great film, he overdirects everything and bloats this film up to such a gargantuan and self-important lengths that it is not enjoyable. Hawks' Scarface is a masterpiece. The remake is just criminally over-the-top and some people have the nerve to say actors today and in the last 30 years are superior to that of the classic and golden age? That's absurd! Pachino is more ham than Bette Davis! De Palma's Scarface is nothing more than a B-movie, cult classic. I'm sorry, but I'll stick with the real classic gangsters like Muni, Cagney, and Robinson.
"In this country you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, you get the women..." Classic, and oh so true. I am so sorry that some people can't see the sheer fun in this film. it seems that watching too much Bergmann, and Bunuel, and Hitchcock, have robbed people of the ability to enjoy cinema that is made for sheer entertainment. And if you are not at least entertained by the spectacle that is 1983's "Scarface" then I would check my pulse. Oh, you forgot one more legendary line: "Don't worry Frank, I'm not gonna shoot you... Hey Manolo, choot this piece of chit!" If you can't enjoy this kind of cinema, i feel sorry for you. By the way my favorite films are not fare like "Rambo" and "T2." My personal faves: "Belle De Jour", (Bunuel), "Come & See" (Ryazazanov), "Hour of the Wolf" (Bergman) and "The Damned" (Visconti) only to name a few. I hate Hollywood and I loathe Tarantino. Brian DePalma is a fine filmmaker as well. How can you possibly not understand that "Scarface" is intentenially campy and over-the-top?? It is soooo obviously satire, brilliant satire. It is not even one of my favorite films, but I must argue anyones opinion that this is trash. That is beyond ridiculous.
It really was bad. Though the worst thing for me was the terrible accents. Just a negative, stereotyped portrayal of Italians as well as gangsters. Just didn't gain anything from the movie at all because it felt fake throughout. It was not intentional camp, it was just bad movie trying so hard to serve the public of the time what they want. Gangsters come in all forms and I think it's dumb to just demonize the illegal ones.
It was Hawks's first attempt at a gangster film, and works pretty well, despite Muni's clumsy, ape-man performance. Ann Dvorak is terrific as Tony's sister; she's so lively she practically steps out of the screen. Karen Morley does an intriguing combination of bored affect and lust for the brutish Tony.
The camera moves very well for early-30's Hollywood; Lee Garmes is credited with much of the photography. Those car chases are very well staged. Why not 7 or 8?