What would it be rated today?
Is there any objectionable material in it? What would it be rated today?
I rock!!!!!
Is there any objectionable material in it? What would it be rated today?
I rock!!!!!
G -- no sex, no profanity, no violence on screen (it's implied)
shareIt's very tame by modern standards. I agree with the G rating.
it would be cool to see it with a pg-13 rating...there's the intense three day hunt when rainsford sets all those traps for zaroff like the tiger spikes and the knife that flies at ivan. when zaroff is thrown out the window to the dogs...it would just be more intense and fun...true to the vibe of the original story. idk lol
if they did remake it, it would definately be an R rating.
they would very gruesome, with scenes in the movie that make you jump.
there would definately be profanity.
but, most likely no sex.
if they did remake it, they should stick with the original story and not put the girl in there.
i like the short story way better than how the movie was.
[well, these grass stains on my knees they won't mean a thing.]
There wouldnt be any need for profanity. Just grisly violence
*for shizzle*
A movie with such grim subject matter would not be rated "G", even by today's criteria. Plus the floating head in the jar and the arrow wound would warrant at least a "PG" rating.
shareHow about when he stabbs the dog and throws it off the cliff? Or when the hero murders the Russian by putting him in some hold and snapping his back. Definitely not rated 'G'.
shareIn the UK, where it's required by law that DVDs are rated using the current British system, it's rated 12. That's roughly equivalent to a PG-13, although the two rating systems don't line up exactly. I'd say that about 75% of the time, a PG-13 movie will be rated 12 on UK DVD.
Movies I've Seen: http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=25003655
I agree with what some others have said. There is no way that a movie with this subject matter would be rated G, even without profanity, sex, etc.
shareTotaly agree despite this film having lost all its shock abiliity decades ago. And not all the violence is "implied" either. There is a back-breaking, and implalements, etc. This is PG without a doubt. It was a much stronger film in it's directors cut. It would then be a PG13.