Two things

I found the simian make-up and particularly the flared nostrils of Mr Hyde most offensive.

I was surprised that Jekyll was so obviously driven by sexual frustration. i.e. his desperation to be married as soon as possible.

Any comments?


Hmmm. The nostrils were strange. I too was surprised by his frustrations. I think that was the 'bad' part of him wanting to jump out - it must have been written that way to show he was never perfect even before taking the potions which split his personality into two.


Don't forget that Hyde represented -almost literally- the bestial side of human nature; all that was sub-human and animalistic. It is not surprising that the film makers took a more literal approach to the depiction of that side.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


agreed, hyde also represends the id and the unconscious in freudian terms. keeping that in mind, the repressed sexual desires of Dr. Jekyll, along with the of "castrating" effect of his lover's father, creates this animalistic drive that is in him to come out in full force due to the potion, which just serves as a catalyst.


Although as far as I remember, the book doesn't even mention Jekyll's or Hyde's sexual frustrations anywhere.


I think this was probably played up for the movie.


"offensive"? I think all this PC nonsense has gone too far. For you to find his "simian" makeup as you specifically called it offensive, you must be a simian yourself. Or are you simply offended on behalf of apes and orangutans everywhere?
