Who plays Limpy?

I hope somebody can answer this question, because it has been driving me crazy for years.
Who is the actor who appears briefly in the opening segments of the film as Limpy Larry? He has such an interesting face, and I love his gallery of facial reactions as Putty Nose is introducing Tommy and Matt into the more serious byways of crime. There is no IMDB credit for the character of Larry, even though the actress who plays Larry's Weeping Mother is credited. Does anyone know who plays Larry? I have never seen the actor in any other films of this era, even though I'm a huge fan of the early sound cinema.
Thanks for any suggestions or definitive answers on this one.


This is what I found:

Ronald Shannon (Limpy Larry)

Marty O'Grady (Limpy as a boy)

I'm a compulsive liar, and that's the truth!


I noticed him too and thought he looked like one of The Bowery Boys you never heard a word from.
