MovieChat Forums > City Lights (1931) Discussion > Don't know where to ask this help with i...

Don't know where to ask this help with identifying silent film.

It's a murder mystery. Something about a pool and a double cross. two women, one man. I know this is pretty ambiguous but it's been over 30 years and it's the one I want to tell (regular ha ha)people about when they say silent films aren't worth watching.
While I'm at it has anyone seen any of Hitchcock's silent films? I believe there were eight of them.


Your description sounds alot like the film Les Diaboliques, but your memory may not be serving you very well as it is not a silent film. It is black and white, however. It is fantastic.


Oh golly golly, that sounds right! I'll put it in my queue, thank you!


i've seen hitchcock's "blackmail" - in both sound and silent versions. both excellent, but the silent version is better.


Is Blackmail similar, because I watched Diabolique and really liked it but I knew what was going to happen? I believe this is because of a silent film that I saw a long time ago. I cannot figure out what it was!


you've got me there, i haven't seen diabolique so can't comment on any similarities, real or imagined...


I like the real or imagined comment. yes, I could be crazy.


if you think you might be crazy, isn't that a sign of sanity?

from reading the plot synopsis for diabolique it sounds (very) vaguely like hitchcock's "the trouble with harry". but that's definitely not a silent movie.

maybe you just watched whatever it was with the sound off and subtitles turned on?


Could be, but I specifically remember thinking that it was the best silent film I had ever seen. That said, I do know that memeory is imperfect. I recently watched The Verdoct again and I would have sworn that Dr. Gruber says "As you are sir" (about getting paid to be in court) and Mason's character replies "ah yes, very good" Nope, not there.
Anyway, thanks for thinking I'm not nuts.
