Prohibition Era?

The films takes place and, most importantly, was produced during the Prohibition Era, yet the movie features a considerably amount of drinking. Since actual consumption at home was not banned (not sure about the party), what I find striking are the street scenes where the Millionaire is clearly drunk.

Sure there were speakeasies, but the whole point was discretion. How could a movie portray a man getting drunk in the city*? Prohibition was a failure as it never stopped alcohol consumption, but was it so evident?

*It is never actually shown how he gets drunk, but it is fairly easy to assume it isn't at home, therefore he would have had to buy the drinks somewhere, which was prohibited.


I think this film takes place in England.


I believe the shots of him driving are clearly set in Los Angeles.

While that doesn't mean it is actually set in LA, not sure what part of the movie suggests England?


I was confused about the film's setting too. In the scenes featuring the millionaire's car, the driver's side was on the right, indicating that it was set in the UK. However, you can also clearly see palm trees during the outdoor shots. I guess it isn't very pertinent to the story.


since it's still the early days of horseless carriages, they might not have standardized on what the "driver's side" is yet. isn't the millionaire's car a rolls royce? maybe rolls didn't make a special american version of the vehicle at that time and they were all built with the usual british configuration.


My grandfather was fired from a city bus company in Missouri during Prohibition for being drunk.
