MovieChat Forums > City Lights (1931) Discussion > The horseshoe in the locker room

The horseshoe in the locker room

I notices the similar setup for the box fight in Chaplin's The Champion (1915) in which Chaplin also volunteers for a box fight to raise money. It also has a horseshoe scene but in The Champion he actually sneaks it into his right glove (see

In City Lights he dismisses the horseshoe after some consideration. Any idea why Chaplin (as the writer) would set up the possibility of a "horseshoe fight" but then would not go for it?


perhaps he figured that people would have seen the previous horseshoe scene and expected him to try the same trick. this time he fools them by tossing it away (after seeing how much good it did the other boxer!)


Speaking of the other boxer, I was surprised to see a black man in this movie in a "normal" role.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
