The rich friend...

Anyone else think that relationship was more sad than the one with the blind girl? When he's drunk they're friends, then he sobers up and doesn't remember the guy.

Since Chaplin's character ends up in jail I wonder what happened to the rich friend. Considering he was the only person who stopped him from committing suicide earlier in the movie, the outlook is not too good for the rich friend...


I'm right there with you! I almost think Chaplin didn't intend for the rich man relationship to be taken that seriously; it was just a means to an end for the Tramp. But yeah, it unintentionally ends up being even more interesting than the love story, lol.

"Kyrie eleison, down the road that I must travel. Kyrie eleison, through the darkness of the night."


I don't think so. For me its just funny and nothing else. That relationship doesn't stir up as much emotion as his relationship with the girl.

I agree if you think about it, its sad, but I didn't really think about it 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
