She only turns up in the last 15 mins of the film in a small supporting role but totally steals the show from the dull as hell Loretta Swift, why didn't the wimp husband just go through with the charade and try to date Joan instead :-D
Joan was one hell of a star, Swift on the other hand was painfully boring.
I am a fan of Joan Blondell, but she looked really slutty in this movie. Surprised at her appearance.
Also, in 1931, did married women wear wedding rings? How could her boss not know she was married? Or was she pulling some deliberate deception at work? That goes against her Goodie Two-shoes image in the movie.
Yes, married women did wear wedding rings in 1931 - both my grandmothers had them (and engagement rings, too).
Robert did ask Claire if she had a significant other after he promoted her and she was sitting on her new office desk. She just said she has a boyfriend who was in France at the time. I didn't see either Claire or Johnny wear wedding rings. It would appear that they got married in college, so I would suspect they didn't have enough money for rings at the time.
When confronted about this omission of fact later in the movie, Claire explains that she didn't mention her marriage because she wanted to be successful in business and it was harder for a married woman to get ahead - because bosses would think she could stop at any time to become a homemaker or mother.