First time viewer

Known about the movie forever it seems, today I watched it for the first time.

The ending to All Quiet on the Western Front is unrelenting... for a moment I thought it was going to end like The Deer Hunter, with a little hope.. but I guess not.. no, that would be asking too much. Damn you.



After 80+ years it is still breathtaking! It is truly one of the greatest films ever made and still rings true through all the years. There are only a handful of war films as powerful and if you haven't seen Jean Renoir's masterwork "Le Grand Illusion" you must. I read Remarque's novel many years ago and it is amazing how Milestone's film of "Western Front" is so much like it. Even then, they pulled no punches and it is still a landmark in the history of cinema.

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.
