What are the French women saying?

I love this movie very much, but I still haven't asked anyone what the French women are saying to the boys when they're in the river. I think at one point one of them says, "Shove it up your @rse," based on her gesture, so I'd like to know what else they say. I have a feeling I'm going to laugh when I find out.

If anyone could translate their lines, that'd be greatly appreciated. :)


They are saying, "Come back tonight" and "Bring food".


When Paul goes back and talks to Suzanne that night, she's calling him "Poor boy" as she conforts him and repeating "the terrible war." I understood that part, but when the three women were talking on the bank? No idea!


Unrealistically bad French. I forget exactly what was said, it having been several days since I saw it, but I noted at the time that the lines were probably written with an American audience of the '30s in mind. Imagine a former Doughboy, with nothing but a brief stay in France some 12 years previously, trying to understand it.


Soldier : "Embrassez-moi" (Kiss me)
Woman 1 : "Oh, mes mulets sont bien mieux que toi, va" (Oh, my mules are better than you.)
Woman 2 : "Oh, espèce d'andouille" (Oh, you jerk.)
Woman 2 : "Moi, nager avec toi? Tu peux toujours te noyer!" (Me, swim with you? You can drown (for all I care).)
Woman 3 : "Moi, t'embrasser? Hé bien tu peux toujours courir derrière!" [obscene gesture] (Me, kiss you? You can always run behind(me).)


Soldier : "Food, food"
Woman 3 : "Pain. Regarde, du pain!" "Emportez-le ici" "Vous, nagez ici, venez" (Bread. Look, some bread! Bring it here. You, swim here, come.)

little later

Woman 3: "C'est notre maison ici. Vous venez ce soir" (This, here, is our house. You come tonight.)
